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部队接到动员令。The troops received orders to mobilize.

部队接到动了员令。The troops received orders to mobilize.

我们要放手发动群众。We must go all out to mobilize the masses.

他正在竭力把所有的支持者动员起来。He is trying to mobilize all the supporters.

我们如何集合起来?Where do we go from here? How do we mobilize?

明天学校里开动员大会,不能迟到。Don't be late. We'll have a school mobilize meeting.

我能感觉到霸天虎正在准备行动。I sense the Decepticons are getting ready to mobilize.

开展竞赛,调动学习兴趣。NO. 5. Unfold contest , mobilize the students'interest.

中国政府有能力在短时间内动员群众。Chinese government has the power to mobilize the people in a short time.

我对于我的学生们如此快速的组成团队感到非常欣慰。I have been very pleased at how quickly the students mobilize the teams.

动员全国陆海空军,实行全国抗战。Mobilize all land, sea and air forces for a nation-wide war of resistance.

我们必须动用所有国家资源来防堵这种传染病。We must mobilize all national resources to prevent the infectious disease.

我们要发动群众作好准备,以应付各种可能发生的情况。We must mobilize the masses to prepare against all possible eventualities.

另外,韩军将动员800名官兵参与演习。In addition, Jun Han will mobilize 800 officers and men involved in exercise.

她又调动唐耀宗的关系使线索更加清晰了。She also mobilize the relationship between the Pope to make clues more clear.

组织者提供时间、地点,甚至Twitter标签,以调动各地的示威者。It provided a date, a place, even a convenient Twitter hashtag to mobilize allies.

要使工会动员它的会员群众都加入经济战线上来。The trade unions should mobilize all their members to join these economic struggles.

此外,你们可在国家级调动当地资源支持卫生发展工作。In addition, you mobilize resources to support health development within the country.

只有动员全社会的力量才能更好的促进藏茶产业的健康发展。Only to mobilize all social forces can promote the healthy development of tea industry.

他们的理由是,压制移动电话通信,这样抗议者就无法动员了。Squelch mobile communication, they reasoned, and protesters wouldn't be able to mobilize.