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你的调制解调器够快吗?Is your modem fast enough?

虚拟调制解调器协议?。VMP? Virtual Modem Protocol?

然后再次拨入调制解调器。Then dialin to the modem again.

他讨厌过现代生活中那种花天酒地的生活。He hates the racket of modem life.

他用现代英语译述这首诗。He paraphrased the poem in modem English.

那些词在现代的词典中查不到。Those words do not belong in modem dictionaries.

他估计现在每天大约有30万人通过调制解调器联网访问该点。He estimates that about 300,000 people modem daily.

也可使用扬声器或者调制解调器的拨电话号码。It also dials phone numbers using speaker or modem.

可年轻的沃尔特是一个新型的农艺师。But young Walter Franklin was a modem agriculturist.

您试过把数据机插头拔掉再重新插上吗?Have you tried unplugging and re-plugging the modem?

科学主义是现代西方两大哲学思潮之一。Scientism is a major part of modem western philosophy.

MFC1000控制器和一胜单片传真调制解调器设备。MFC1000 Controller and a Conexant MONOFAX Modem Device.

DSL和缆线数据机连接已更受欢迎。DSL and cable modem connections have become more popular.

现代化的教辅工具使用非常便利。Modem educational aids would be used with great facility.

果报小说在现代中国仍然具有一定的生命力。Retribution fictions are still meaningful in modem China.

请选择绑定的蓝牙电话用作拨号调制解调器。Select a bonded Bluetooth phone to use as a dialup modem.

通常是以太网卡和点到点设备,以及猫的接口。Most commonly Ethernet cards and ppp, the modem interface.

黑格尔哲学显然是一种现代性的哲学话语。Obviously Hegelian Philisophy is a kind of modem philosophy.

现代家庭则相反,丈夫在家时里帮助有工作的妻子。In contrast, the modem husband helps his working wife at home.

本文主要研究了短波多音并行调制解调器。This paper investigates the shortwave multitone parallel modem.