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现在需要担负起责任的是莫迪。The immediate onus is on Modi.

莫迪先生说他没有做错任何事情。Mr. Modi says he did nothing wrong.

海盗莫迪不喜欢打针。The pirate Modi did not like shots.

莫迪的信息存在于和平与繁荣中。Modi message is live in peace and prosper.

孔子、墨翟都是些穷学者。Both Confucius and Modi were poor scholars.

晚上,父亲回到家。莫迪把今天访问医生的情况都告诉了父亲。Modi told him all about the visit to the doctor.

莫迪让我们失去了俄罗斯这个真正的朋友。Due to Modi we lost one of our true friend Russia.

每一个乡镇,每一个村庄,都至少需要一位莫迪那样的领导人。Every town and village need at least one leader like mr modi.

莫迪应该解雇掉其中一些无用的欧美化印度人,来拯救这个国家。Modi should sack some of these useless Babu's and save the country.

人民党推出的总理接班人是现任古吉拉特邦首席部长纳伦德拉·莫迪。The BJP's man-in-waiting is the Chief Minister of Gujarat, Narendra Modi.

结合咄咄逼人行动方向调换领袖像是Modi来管事。Couple that with an aggressive action oriented leader like Modi at the helm.

印度公司是世界上最没有效率的,莫迪能加以改变吗?Indian companies are most inefficient in the world. Can Modi can change it ????

宰相这样的反应,就表示孔子、墨翟都是尊贵的象征。Response of the minister means that Confucius and Modi are symbols of nobility.

这是国大党的策略,目的是转移国人对纳伦德拉-穆迪的注意力。This was congress strategy to divert the country's attention from narendra Modi.

我见到来自马里的莫迪时,他好像快要累死了一样。When I meet Modi from Mali, he looks as if he might drop down dead with fatigue.

但是魔笛总理可以和一个又一个国家签订核交易。But PM Modi is able to get one after another country to sign nuclear deal with India.

凭借莫迪总理的能量,印度将会成为亚洲的领袖!India will be the leader of Asia in coming days by the energy of our P. M. Mr. Modi !

莫迪同意,他结束一天的工作后,全身疼得都感觉不到脚了。Modi agrees that he aches all over and at the end of the day he cannot feel his feet.

某些人养成了一切都怪莫迪的习惯。Some people have a habit of blaming it on Modi for anything and everything these days.

莫迪补充说剖腹产手术也可能会影响激素与酶的自然平衡。Modi added that caesarean could also affect the natural balance of hormones and enzymes.