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他在1987年创作了“月球漫步1号”。He produced "Moonwalk 1" in 1987.

他制作的一九八七年“月球漫步1”。He produced "Moonwalk 1" in nineteen eighty-seven.

我也想到了阿姆斯特朗第一次月球漫步。I will also think about Armstrong's first moonwalk.

太空步是一种视觉幻象效果,需要多加练习。The moonwalk is a kind of an illusion and takes alot of practice.

阿姆斯特朗在他历史性的“月球漫步”之后回到登月舱中拍摄的照片。Neil Armstrong poses in the Lunar Module after his historic moonwalk.

学习如何与自由舞蹈技巧月球漫步在这个自由舞蹈课视频。Learn how to Moonwalk with free dance tips in this free dance lesson video.

加入我们走在永恒的月球漫步。这是我们悼念迈克尔杰克逊。Join us and walk the Eternal Moonwalk. This is our tribute to Michael Jackson.

虽然做了著名的“月球漫步”的一步,他似乎是在空中向后行走。While doing his famous "Moonwalk" step, he seemed to be walking backwards on air.

下面是我能找到的太空步的最佳练习精要,何不试试呢?Below are the best Moonwalk instructions I could find so why not have some fun and give it a try.

迈克尔杰克逊25岁在底特律传奇般的表演也被收录了进来,那时全世界是第一次看过太空舞步。Also on this disc Michaels legendary performance on Motown 25, when the world saw the moonwalk for the very first time.

确保你用来练习的地板不会太粗糙,尽量找一块光滑的地。Step 2. Make sure that the ground you use to practise to moonwalk on is also not too grippy, try and find a polished floor.

这位老前辈甚至邀请他到家里来,在这儿杰克逊为阿斯泰尔和他的舞蹈教练展示了太空步。The old master even invited him over to his house, where Jackson taught the moonwalk to him and his choreographer Hermes Pan.

整个180狼沙漠惊人的水平,大市雪花山,秋季森林,春丛林和月球漫步,骑自行车。Ride your bike throughout 180 amazing levels in the Coyote Desert, Snowflake Mountain, Big City, Autumn Forest, Spring Jungle and Moonwalk.

杰克逊以其独特的歌喉和月球漫步式招牌舞蹈动作持续走红成为史上最畅销的男子独唱艺术家之一。With his unique vocals and signature "moonwalk" dance moves, Jackson went on to become one of the best-selling male solo artists of all time.

尽管冯•哈根斯想对天王的塑化保存姿势保密,但他暗示称当然会选择月球漫步舞姿。While von Hagens is keen to keep the pose of the superstar's plastinate under wraps, he hinted that the moonwalk position would naturally be favoured.

尽管冯·哈根斯想对天王的塑化保存姿势保密,但他暗示称当然会选择月球漫步舞姿。While von Hagens is keen to keep the pose of the superstar's plastinate under wraps , he hinted that the moonwalk position would naturally be favoured.

曾于1971年进行过最长一次月球漫步的艾德加。米切尔说,确实有外星人存在但美国政府封锁相关消息。Edgar Mitchell, who made the longest moonwalk in history in 1971, says alien life does exist and the US government is blocking the information from getting out.

有人表演他的招牌太空步,唱着他的流行歌曲。街道对面的一个学生公寓用音响大声播放着杰克逊的歌。用于新闻报导的直升机在天空中盘旋。Others practiced his signature moonwalk and sand Jackson pop songs. A student residence across the street blared Jackson music from a stereo. News helicopters swirled overhead.