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常春藤和苔藓。Ivy and moss.

苔藓软如丝绒。Moss is soft like velvet.

余花落尽青苔院。I do flowers moss hospital.

墙上长着斑斑点点的青苔。The wall was patched with moss.

北坡常长青苔。Moss affects the northern slopes.

直到青苔把我们的嘴封闭Until the Moss had reached our lips

黑客帝国三部曲---凯瑞·安·莫斯Carrie-Ann Moss — The Matrix trilogy

“滚石不生苔,我也不聚财”。Moss does not cling to rolling stone.

丰富的苔藓绿带铜色光芒。Rich moss green with a bronze shimmer.

晶莹剔透,半透明的青苔绿色。Shimmery, semi-sheer light moss green.

而且都生满青苔、开满花朵All overgrown with azure moss and flowers

脚藓治疗能断根吗?Crural moss cure can be completely cured?

斯特林?莫斯和A?J?福伊特都是职业赛车手。Moss and A? J? Foyt race cars professionally.

在这里,他连根拔起了苔藓和酢浆草。Here he had rooted up the moss and wood sorrel.

又重盖满了青草和苔藓And veiled the scar with grass and moss once more

橡苔是柏香调的基本成份之一。Oak moss is the essential element of the chypres.

步闲庭,苔浸凌波罗袜冷。Step Xianting, moss soaked Ling Boluo socks cold.

蒜苔没有黄斑点及其它病毒。The garlic moss has no yellow fleck or other virus.

你们觉得这是“苔绿”还是“森林绿”?。Would you call that "moss green" or "forest green"?

一头雄卡莫德熊准备在松软的苔藓上打个盹儿。A male Kermode bear prepares for a nap on soft moss.