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我看到了运动。I see the motion.

抛体运动Projectile motion.

布局来不得慢动作。Layout so slow motion.

仔细瞧我的动作!Watch my motion carefully.

抛体运动是什么?。What Is Projectile Motion?

这项动议已经被搁置起来。The motion has been tabled.

腕关节活动时无疼痛。Wrist motion was pain free.

该动议获得了迅速通过。The motion was shot through.

寒冷抑制了分子的运动。Cold quells molecular motion.

他据理反对这一提议。He argued against the motion.

我想我晕车了,有一个才子叫许嵩。I think it's motion sickness.

他们已经否决了这项动议。They have thrown out the motion.

什么是匀速圆周运动?What is uniform circular motion?

开普勒的行星运动定律Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion

运动本身就是矛盾。Motion itself is a contradiction.

我们周围的世界永动不止。The world around us is in motion.

这是其中一个一维运动。This is a one-dimensional motion.

我们处在不停的运动之中。We are bodies in constant motion.

他以冗长的演说阻挠了那项动议的通过。He stonewalled against the motion.

岩鸽降落在慢动作。Rock Pigeon landing in slow motion.