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别用悲切的诗句对我唱。Tell me not in mournful numbers.

在她的葬礼上他唱起了一道优伤的歌。He sang a mournful song at her funeral.

哀叹没有新的奇迹会降临。Mournful that no new wonder may betide.

塔楼的钟敲出忧伤的调子。The tower bell clashed its mournful note.

一个悲切的声音唱着,“我们的婚姻还存在吗?”A mournful voice sings, Are we still married?

莫等闲白了少年头,空悲切!Mok lightly juvenile white head, mournful air!

这一系列令人扼腕的疾病是由生活污水引起的。The mournful litany of disease is caused by sewage.

船在薄雾中发出长长的哀伤的汽笛声。The boat blew a long mournful whistle into the mist.

他满眼哀伤,仰望着深兰色的天空。He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep blue sky.

我看见人的河流,正漾起那悲哀的微波。I see a stream of people shimmering with mournful ripples.

法多音乐就是与它相关的一种哀婉乐。Fado music, a type of mournful singing, relates to saudade.

请买一件最好的礼服,一件高雅的丧服。Please buy a smashing dress, something mournful yet elegant.

哀恸的领唱人的声音向哀伤的祷告者呼唤。The voice of the mournful chanter called to dolorous prayer.

请别用哀伤的诗句对我讲,人生呵,无非是虚梦一场!Tell me not in mournful numbers , Life is but an empty dream!

朱莉用竖琴给鲍里斯弹奏最悲哀的夜曲。Julie played to Boris the most mournful nocturnes on the harp.

一辆颠簸赶集的马车上一只小牛目露哀伤。On a wagon bound for market There's a calf with a mournful eye.

入秋以后的蝉鸣显得特别清切。The call of cicadas seems especially mournful after the autumn.

埃姆斯先生,"他以悲伤的声调说,"你刚刚把那个小孩压死了!"Eames,' he said, in a mournful voice,‘you have just killed that child!'

那是一个女人的声音,一种柔和得叫人听了感到悲切的声音。It was a woman's voice, a gentle voice, so gentle that it was mournful.

我看见过你的温慈的面庞,我爱你的悲哀的尘土,大地母亲。I have seen your tender face and I love your mournful dust, Mother Earth.