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方法随机、多中心临床研究。Methods Randomized comparative multicentre clinical study.

这是个前瞻、多中心随机对照试验。This was a prospective multicentre randomised controlled trial.

为了研究原子核的集团情况,我们建立了多中心变分的轻核模型。A multicentre variational model is proposed for the study of nuclear cluster formation.

申办者组织的协调实施多中心试验的委员会。A committee that a sponsor may organize to coordinate the conduct of a multicentre trial.

在一个区域性英国癌症网进行的开放性、前瞻、多中心、随机对照试验。Open, prospective multicentre randomised controlled trial within a regional UK Cancer Network.

加拿大骨科创伤学会十多年来一直致力于多中心研究。The Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma Society has been a promoter of multicentre research studies for more than a decade.

目前仍须大型且多中心的随机对照试验,来对最终身高、生活品质及费用等项目做进一步分析。Large, multicentre RCTs are required which should focus on final height and address quality of life and cost issues.

需要进一步开展多中心、大样本的流行病学调查,使结果更加符合临床实际。In order to a more practical result, further clinical epidemiology researches with bigger sample and multicentre is needed.

方法采用前瞻性,随机双盲双模拟,阳性药平行对照,多中心临床研究。Methods The multicentre prospective, random, double-blind and imitation, positive-drug parallel control clinical trails are used.

在美国,一项多中心II期实验已经完成,分析提示可以减少尿蛋白的丢失。In the US, a multicentre phase II study has been completed, with an interim analysis indicating reduction in urinary albumin losses.

现代绘画在不断认识自然和表现自然,学习传统和勇于创新的过程中逐步走向了多元化。Modem paintings have reached multicentre in the process of continuously recognizing and reflecting nature, leaming from tradition and innovation bravely.

由于全球试验注册的要求不同,许多跨国跨中心试验在多个注册中心注册。Because of the varying requirements for trial registration around the world, many multinational, multicentre trials are registered in more than one registry.

但中国目前这样的大规模、多中心临床试验还很少,您能否给中国的同行提一些意见或建议?But in China, large scale, multicentre clinical trials are really rare, so can you give us the benefit of your experience and perhaps some of your advice on that issue?

多个医学中心的监测数据表明艾滋病毒感染婴儿罹患播散性卡介菌病的风险明显高于之前的估计,尽管目前的数据可能还是低估的。Multicentre surveillance data showed that the risk of disseminated BCG disease in HIV-infected infants is considerably higher than previously estimated, although likely to be under-estimated.

应提倡开展高质量的多中心前瞻性随机对照试验,以提高中医药治疗CVA研究文献的质量。Highquality multi-central prospective trials are expected to increase the quality of TCM for CVA. We should advocate to develop randomized controlled trails which are high quality and multicentre.

将播散性卡介菌病新增病例的数量作为分子,这一数据从多个医学中心从2004年至2006年有计划地监测确定感染艾滋病毒的婴儿获得的数据中获取。The numerator, or number of new cases of disseminated BCG disease, was derived from multicentre surveillance data collected prospectively on infants with a confirmed HIV infection during 2004–2006.