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他心里还存着希望,木木终归还会回来。The hope still flickered within him that Mumu would come back.

我店有十年锯木经验的锯木木师。I shop with 10 years experience of sawn wood sawing Mumu division.

今晚大贝贝、小贝贝和小表哥吃晚餐时吵吵闹闹。Tonight Justin, Audrey and their cousin Mumu were playing up at dinner.

同样的,如果木木跟我在一起,他会得到英文教育。Similarly, if Mumu spends time with me then he will get an English education.

MUMU软质保护套人性化的设计,方便,实用,不影响您的正常操作。MUMU soft protective cover is convenient and practicable with humanization design.

套餐488元一位或788元一位,您将获得无限量的木马香槟和酒水。Set dinner at RMB488 net or RMB788 net with free flow of Mumu champagne and wine during dinner.

MUMU软质保护套款式齐全,设计新颖,颜色亮丽多样,充分满足您不同的喜好要求。MUMU soft protective covers includes many series with fashionable design and various colors to meet your requirements.

她喜欢吃柚子,所以我表白的时候买了很多”。柚子在普通话中的发音是英语“你”的意思,但是木木拒绝了他。"She likes eating pomelos, so I've bought a lot of them for my proposal. "Pomelo means "you" in Mandarin. But Mumu rejected him.

“她喜欢吃柚子,所以我表白的时候买了很多”。柚子在普通话中的发音是英语“你”的意思,但是木木拒绝了他。"She likes eating pomelos, so I've bought a lot of them for my proposal. "Pomelo means "you" in Mandarin. But Mumu rejected him.

在得到木木首肯后,围观的人群迅速散开去拿柚子,媒体报道999个柚子在两分钟内被一抢而空。When Mumu agreed, the crowd tore apart the displayed to get the fruit . All 999 pomelos were gone in about 2 minutes, media reported.

MUMU软质保护套在碰撞中能起到较好的缓冲作用,不易损坏机器的外观,起到一定的保护作用。MUMU soft protecting jacket have good cushioning during the collision, does no damage to the apperance of the machine and protect it instead.

木木妈妈和爸爸都有着很强的科学背景,如果木兰跟你们在一起,她会获得优良的科学教育。Mumu Mama and Mumu Daddy both have strong backgrounds in science. If Mulan spends time with you, she will get an excellent science education.