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在默认设定下,NAB真是喋喋不休。In its default configuration, NAB is a real chatterbox.

如果玩家中了奖,他们会收到邮寄的奖金。If players nab a prize, they receive their bounty by mail.

你愿不愿意转过这长着常青灌木的山头,散步到我家里去呢?Will you just turn this nab of heath, and walk into my house?

我在乡下留了那么多痕迹,他们决不会想到回伦敦抓我。They'll never expect to nab me there, after this country scent.

目前参加GAB有11国家,参加NAB的有26个国家。At present there are 11 countries in the GAB and 26 countries in the NAB.

“我觉得听见我父亲的声音了,”他喘息着,溜了一眼我们上面的森严的山顶。I thought I heard my father,' he gasped, glancing up to the frowning nab above us.

或是观望看看,先升级电视和电脑?Or one to put on the back-burner and nab once you’ve upgraded your TV and computer?

安保人员在周一凌晨看到一个嫌疑人逃走的场景但没能控制他,冯透露。Guards saw a suspect fleeing the scene early Monday but failed to nab him, Feng said.

该队一路过关斩将,在胜了澳大利亚队后第四次蝉联奥运会冠军。The squad cruised to victory over Australia to nab its fourth consecutive Olympic gold.

录像帮助警方逮捕嫌犯。当局现正追缉另一嫌犯。A video helped police nab the suspect. Authorities are still looking for another suspect.

NAB是一个比较直译的译本,特别是1986年的新约修订版。The NAB is a more literal translation, especially the 1986 revision of the New Testament.

国家发改委的通告发布后的第二天,方便面价格又都回落到了涨价前的水平。The NDRC has pledged to nab anyone who colludes to drive up prices amid surging food costs.

为了得到你梦想的工作,首先你需要搞清楚的是你想要什么,然后冲着这个最终目标,设立各个阶段的小目标。In order to nab your dream job, you have to know what you want first. Then set goals to get there.

后来,更多的警察赶来增援,在嫌疑人离开停车场之前,把他们都捉拿归案。Then, more police showed up so cops were able to nab both suspects before they left the parking lot.

「我们可不想让观众一早醒来发现没电视可看。」「美国广播协会」发言人谢梅兹.英葛莱姆指出。"We don't want anyone to wake up one morning and be without television, " said Shermaze Ingram, a NAB spokesperson.

开普敦成为游客心目中的热门目的地已有一段时日了,如今开普敦依然排在热门旅游城市榜第二位。Cape Town, which has been a hot destination for a while now among travellers, still managed to nab second place on the cities list.

NAB曾要求FCC将其表决延后两个月,以便可以评估FCC最新的工程技术报告,该报告于两周前发布。NAB has asked the FCC to delay its vote for two months so it can review the FCC's latest engineering report, released two weeks ago.

整个边界层的积分值的变化幅度会小一点,但一晚上达到一个量级应不少见。The variation range of the integrated in the boundary layer is rather small, however it can nab one older Of magnitude at all night.

不要掉进使用蹩脚呆板的艺术这种模式的泥潭,你可以抓住既免费又具有高品质的照片来做出更强有力的、更直观的声明。Don’t get stuck in a pattern of using cheesy stock art when you can nab free high quality photos that make a much stronger visual statement.

今年,许多警官,其中一些是女性,分赴阿联酋的各清真寺和购物中心逮捕这些乞丐。This year a number of police officials, some of who are women, have fanned out to mosques and shopping malls in the emirate to nab the beggars.