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她的恶劣行径使我惊讶。Her nastiness really threw me.

年深日久,他恶毒的文字开始让读者生厌。As the years went by his nastiness began to annoy his readers.

布泽尔就斯隆提出的打的要更凶狠的要求给予了回应。Carlos Boozer offered his interpretation of Sloan's demand for nastiness.

不可忽略体面、清洁,否则会脏得不堪。Not to neglect decency, or cleanliness, for fear of falling into Nastiness.

你忘记了他在当着他们面时的丑陋,因为在他们背后他很友善。You forget his nastiness to their faces because he's nice behind their backs.

而这些功能都是很好的成本是非常高的纯污秽条件。While the features are nice, the cost is very high in terms of pure nastiness.

我正在考虑描述人类的不洁,人与人关系中利欲熏心的方面。I'm thinking about describing the nastiness of human beings, the sordid part of relationships.

让我们双方停止这些不认同,从最丑陋往前移向光的工作吧!!!Let both sides in this disagreement move beyond this nastiness and onward into the work of light! ! !

但是他们的卑鄙行径也意味着,美国总统的支持率高低对他们没什么影响。But the very nastiness of those adversaries means that they don't get rattled by low favorability ratings.

需要或许是发明之母,但对科特.富尼耶来说,肮脏在创造上也扮演一大角色。Necessity might be the mother of invention, but nastiness also played a big role in Curt Fournier's creation.

唯一的不愉快仅发生在这位不受人欢迎的白人女性身上,她在故事中被表述成了一个没有爱心的坏人。All the nastiness is projected outward onto the unpleasant blonde, who conveniently serves as the mean loveless villain of the story.

是混合物,如果一个人让人讨厌之处太多,以至于我们受不了他,但是一点不好,我们却可以忍受,甚至成为一种幽默。We are mixture. If the nastiness is too great, we can't stand the person, but a little nastiness we can put up with, and even humor, and even enjoy.

关键是代码要变清晰,但是干了一半儿的活儿通常会是旧的混乱加上新的方案混合在一起。The point is to make the code cleaner, but the intermediate states will typically have all the old nastiness plus the intended solution mixed together.

很多年前克鲁利就发现要想在这个乌七八糟的世界干点名扬四海的坏事越来越困难了。Over the years Crowley had found it increasingly difficult to find anything demonic to do which showed up against the natural back?ground of generalized nastiness.

在蛇出没的区域,最好是穿上靴子和长裤,绑腿则能提供更佳的保护,隔绝那些讨厌的东西。Still, it's best to wear boots and long pants in snake territory. For added protection, you can wear gaiters , which shield your lower legs from all kinds of nastiness.

就个人魅力而言,奥巴马在海外远比乔治·布什受欢迎,这大大减少敌对势力如内贾德等的恶劣行动。Personally, Obama is far more popular overseas than was George W. Bush, and that popularity has brought the nastiness of adversaries like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad into sharper relief.

这场比赛不会成为湖人与凯尔特人的经典赛事载入史册,但比赛中确实有几个不干净的动作,就像十九世纪八十年代这两支球队比赛一样。This game won't be remembered as one of the better ones in the storied Lakers-Celtics rivalry, but it did have a few moments of the physical nastiness that defined their matchups during the 1980s.

首先,写一个全球个人电脑都容易收到感染的病毒会比去写一个很少人使用的操作系统病毒更为有效率。For one, writing nastiness that the vast majority of the world's personal computers are susceptible to is a more efficient use of resources than writing the same evil for a sliver of the population.