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老师们在身上标明「让我们的服务国有化」,要求成为政府雇员。The teachers are demanding to be made government employees. The signs read, "Nationalise our service".

而他的总理,弗朗索瓦·费容已发出威胁,如果银行不向更多公司放贷,就将其收归国有。His prime minister, François Fillon, has threatened to nationalise banks unless they lend more to companies.

查韦斯同时宣布计划将国家两个最大的咖啡烘焙商收归国有,并指责他们供货不足。Mr Chávez also announced plans to nationalise the country's two biggest coffee-roasters, blaming them for shortages.

奥巴马政府实施银行非国有化的决策被当成是寡头权力的初步证据。The Obama administration's decision not to nationalise the banks is presented as prima facie evidence of the oligarchs' power.

财政部轻描淡写其设计的紧急意外事故方案来帮组劳埃德独自完成国有化。The Treasury played down suggestions that it was making emergency contingency plans to shore up Lloyds let alone nationalise the bank.

十月29日,冰岛政府接管glitnir,十月8日,glitnir,landsbanki和kaupthing三家银行都被政府接管。The government began to nationalise Glitnir on September 29, and by October 8, Glitnir, Landsbanki and Kaupthing were in receivership.

对于美国财政部来说最大的考验是需要多长时间才能认识到将那两个摇摇欲坠的住房抵押贷款巨头房利美、房地美国有化的必要性。A big test for America's Treasury will be how quickly it recognises the need to nationalise Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the teetering mortgage giants.

对美国财政部来说,最大的考验是要多久才能意识到必须使两大抵押贷款巨头房利美和房地美国有化。A big test for America’s Treasury will be how quickly it recognises the need to nationalise Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the teetering mortgage giants.

在美联储主席伯克南保证美国并不准备把几大银行国有化之后,其他亚洲市场也有利好迹象。Other Asian markets were buoyed up by reassurances from the US Federal reserve chairman, Ben Bernanke, that the US was not about to nationalise big banks.

政府应当尽快将东电公司国有化,让其暂时公有化以“清洗”其陈旧的管理系统,并监督好此次“大扫除”。The government should act fast to nationalise Tepco and hold it temporarily in public ownership as it clears out the old management and oversees the clean-up.

但是当摩萨德克试图将石油业国有化并废除伊朗国王时,英国和美国政府组织政变使国王得以复辟。But when Mossadeq attempted to nationalise the oil business and depose the shah, the British and American governments authorised a counter-coup that restored the shah to power.

突然间,投资者开始重新关注政治风险,上个月泰国实施了一套糟糕的资本管制措施,接着是委内瑞拉查韦斯大谈商业国有化。Suddenly, investors are rediscovering political risk. The botched currency controls imposed by Thailand last month have been followed by Hugo Chávez's plans to nationalise Venezuelan businesses.