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拉斯姆森在北约峰会上说。Rasmussen said at the NATO summit.

难道北约还没有满足他的血腥的欲望吗?Hasn't NATO slaked his lust for blood?

在北约内苏-34同样被命名为“侧卫”。Su-34 is also named "Flanker" in NATO.

北约给其代号“逆火”。In NATO they got a codename “Backfire”.

但是我们能够信任北约或美国军队吗?But can we trust Nato or the US military?

士兵到这里参加北大西洋公约组织的操演。The soldiers are here for a NATO exercise.

事实上,我们需要把土鸡国踢出北约。In fact we need to kick Turkey out of NATO.

巴基斯坦民兵烧毁北约运油车。Militants burn NATO fuel tankers in Pakistan.

此外还有2011年北约对利比亚的轰炸。In this, the nato bombardment of Libya in 2011.

我认为北约是有史以来最伟大的联盟。I believe NATO is the greatest alliance in history.

朗杰斯古认为,北约方面不会立即停止空袭行动。Lang Jiesi old that will not stop NATO air strikes.

北约飞行员向拜尼沃利德投掷白磷。NATO pilots throwing white phosphorous on Beni Walid.

日本打算建立一个反中国的“亚洲北约”吗?Is Japan Planning to Create an Anti-China"Asian NATO"?

新来者也在军事上为北约作贡献。The newcomers have also contributed militarily to NATO.

但是北约称他们炸死的是反政府武装分子。But NATO said they killed the anti-government militants.

一名北约军事补给车队踢上1月21日的灰尘。A NATO military re-supply convoy kicks up dust on Jan. 21.

在北约军队中,米一24被称为“毋鹿”。In the NATO army, the rice 124 are called "don't the deer".

但北约要慎待乌克兰和格鲁吉亚的请求。But NATO should proceed with caution in Ukraine and Georgia.

布什总统在布加勒斯特发表的一次讲话中展示了他的北约政策。In a speech in Bucharest, Mr. Bush laid out his NATO policy.

北约和苏尔特的反政府军终于“将死”了卡扎菲。NATO and the rebels in Surt have finally checkmated Qaddafi.