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在这个情况下如何能得到?ndS So, how do I get ndS in that case?

我们已经在很多情形下见过ndS的公式。Well, we've seen formulas for ndS in various settings.

这种情况下,知道了关于ndS的一个公式,是吗?So, we've seen a formula for ndS in this kind of situation, OK?

通量积分由线积分F•nds,构成。We formed the flux integral that was a line integral F dot nds.

只需要找到一个ndS内积的替代的表达式。You just find a formula for ndS dot product, substitute, evaluate.

是用dφdθ表示的。,We,know,what,n,dS,are,in,terms,of,d,phi,,d,theta。,你可以用φ和θ,将球面参数化。ndS Well, you could parametize a sphere in terms of phi and theta.

需要建立向量场点乘ndS的通量积分。So, we need to set up the flux integral for a vector field dot ndS.

NDS是一家运作良好的情报机构,深受驻阿富汗国际部队的信任。The NDS is a well-run service, trusted by the international forces.

我们需要弄清楚,如何用du和dv表示。We need to figure out how to ndS express n dS in terms of du and dv.

现在可以把墙纸放在NDS的上屏幕上,而且墙纸可以自己更换。Now can put the wallpaper on NDS top screen, and the wallpaper is changeable.

合并过程中能够快速发现树的最优部分。The amalgamate phase quickly ?nds the optimal partition that respects the tree.

来教你们一个办法,可以几何化地思考。Well, I am going to give you another way ndS to think geometrically about n dS.

一旦有一个ndS的公式,那将会把ndS和dx,dy联系起来,或者其他的一些东西。And, once you have a formula for ndS, that will relate ndS to maybe dx dy, or something else.

用同样的方式,也就可以得到ndS了,现在,这里出现了一个小问题。So, we should be able to get ndS using the same method, negative partial Now, there's a small catch.

超过75个世界领先的付费电视平台依靠NDS的解决方案来保护并增强其业务。Over 75 of the world's leading pay-TV platforms rely on NDS solutions to protect and enhance their businesses.

我们可以先用一下,然后加个负号,但是我要说明,ndS正好是这个的相反数。Well, we could use it and then subtract, but I was just going to say that ndS is actually the opposite of this.

感恩,它虽说是一个行为动词,但它不止需要行动,更重要的是需要做到真心实意。Thanksgiving, although it is an act of th vrb, but it nds mor action, mor importantly, nds tob don in good faith.

这就是F的旋度,在曲面S上的一个二重积分,记为•Namely, that becomes the double integral over that surface S of curl F, ndS which I will write as dell cross F dot n dS.

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两种方法的判别和分级结果基本相符,能满足工程地质膨胀土的测试要求。The results from two methods are generally in agreement and can meet the dema nds for expansive soils analysis in engineering geology.