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你近视吗?Are you nearsighted?

是的,我有近视。Yes, I am nearsighted.

越来越多的学生近视。More and more students are nearsighted.

上帝和他的信使一定都近视了吧。God is nearsighted and so is his messenger.

现在不少近视患者配戴隐形眼镜。Now many nearsighted patient wear contact lenses.

近视的人无法把焦点集中在远处的物体上。A nearsighted person cannot focus on distant objects.

这是一副近视眼镜。This is a pair of spectacles for nearsighted persons.

一个近视眼者不能准确地调节眼睛看远处的物体。A nearsighted person cannot focus accurately on distant objects.

没错,我又严重的近视,还有散光。It was true, I'm severely nearsighted with and astigmatism to boot.

近视的乔伊只要不戴上眼镜就看不清楚。Joey is nearsighted and he can't see anything clearly without his glasses.

阿艳昨晚去跟一个只看过照片的人见面了,结果回来失望无比。A'yan went on a nearsighted date last night and came back very disappointed.

患有散光的近视患者,能佩戴隐形眼镜吗?Have the nearsighted patient of astigmatism, can you adorn invisible glasses?

近视眼镜是眼妈妈好还是第一镜好?Is spectacles for nearsighted persons eye mom be still the first lens very good?

近视的人只能看到离他们眼睛很近的东西。Eg. People who are nearsighted can only see things that are very close to their eyes.

那个朗读的人,是个身体虚弱的人,留着黑色的头茬,近视眼,开始哭泣起来。The reader, a frail creature with stubble of black hair and nearsighted eyes, began to cry.

研究人员称,如果照目前趋势发展下去,到2045年时将有大约7亿中国人受到近视眼的困扰。If current trends persist, researchers say some 700 million Chinese will be nearsighted by 2045.

文盲,以及在野外生活的猴子群体,通常不会有近视。Illiterate people, and our monkey cousins living in the wild, as a rule do not become nearsighted.

光头带什么颜色的近视眼镜好看?。The spectacles for nearsighted persons that what facial expression bareheaded brings is good-looking?

目的探讨渐进多焦眼镜对青少年近视眼隐斜的影响。Aim To study the effect of wearing progressive multi-focal spectacles on phoria in the teenager nearsighted.

你确实认为,过度用电脑使很多孩子成为近视吗Are you aware of evidence that increased computer use is contributing to more children becoming nearsighted?