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有多少人认为是雀巢How many would say Nestle?

至于其他的是安居者所无法理解的。As for other nestle to can't comprehend.

雀巢2010年销售总额将近110亿瑞士法郎。Nestlé sales for 2010 were almost CHF 110 bn.

雀巢咖啡真的味道好极了吗?Does the Nestle coffee really taste excellent?

我个人认为雀巢的能恩比较好。I personally think that Nestle energy TU better.

美国雀巢产品技术中心。Nestle Product Technology Center in Marysville, USA.

雀巢咖啡是世界性公司,比其他公司都要大。Nestle Coffee is worldwide, but one is larger than others.

雀巢实验人员正在准备用于品测的咖啡。A Nestle lab worker prepares coffee beans for a taste test.

中国政府会允许雀巢收购徐福记吗?Will the Chinese government allow Nestlé to buy Hsu Fu Chi?

于是,心累的时候,依偎在大山的怀抱里。Thus, when tired hearts, nestle in the arms of the mountains.

雀巢卖出的包装食物比其他在印度的公司都多。Nestlé sells more packaged foods than any other firm in India.

雀巢公司提高了产品在欧洲市场的销售价格。Nestle has lifted prices as sales rose across its European markets.

长久以来,在预制曲奇饼市场,雀巢公司占据了41%的份额,仅在北卡罗来纳州边界一带就拥有550名员工。Nestle holds a 41 percent share of the prepared cookie dough market.

雀巢是全球领先的营养、保健和健康公司。Nestle is the world's leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness company.

新配方雀巢即溶奶粉在港上市。Nestle instant milk powder, a new formulation, will be sold in Hongkong.

欧股波动起伏,法国巴黎银行和雀巢公司股价下跌。European Stocks Fluctuate as BNP Paribas, Nestle Drop, Hochtief Advances.

早在1908,雀巢就已在上海成立其第一个贸易公司。NESTLE established its first trading office in Shanghai as early as 1908.

我渴望舒舒服服地躺在一个角落,远离喧扰。I am pining for a corner in which to nestle down snugly, away from the crowd.

两颗心,因为有了彼此,而变得温暖,紧紧的依偎在一起。Two hearts, because had each other, but become warm, tightly nestle together.

它必须到处落户,到处开发,到处建立联系。It must nestle everywhere, settle everywhere, establish connexions everywhere.