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夜晚从不凄冷。The nights are never cold.

一次四百,包夜七百。Seven hundred? whole nights.

并填写我的夜歌。And fill my nights with song.

从冰地球的冬夜。Winter Nights from Iced Earth.

九月的夜晚变得清冷了。Nights grow chilly in September.

他是个印刷工,上夜班。He is a printer. He works nights.

多少个夜晚你独自坐着So many nights when you sat alone

是一间双人房要住两个晚上。That's one double for two nights.

我在那座大厦住了两个晚上。I spent two nights in the mansion.

那些醉醺醺的漫漫长夜!Long boozy nights around the fire!

深色鹅绒夜当我俩合一。Deep velvet nights when we are one.

这就是我们的蒙难之夜。These are our nights of Gethsemane.

当夜莺于繁星密布的晚间And in their glens, on starry nights

失意人要忍熬漫长的夜晚One the long nights through must lie

周日晚上我们可以玩宾果游戏吗?Will we play bingo on Sundays nights?

你愿意上夜班还是上白班?。Would you rather work nights or days?

有些夜晚你在呼出火焰。And some nights you're breathing fire.

他在我房间住了几夜。He slept in my house for a few nights.

我想要个单人房,住三个晚上。I want a single room for three nights.

我想要一间双人房住两夜。I'd like a double room for two nights.