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如何解释这种冷漠呢?What explains this nonchalance?

一些记者批评她的冷淡与漠不关心。Some journalists criticize her nonchalance and indifference.

我们仍在用众所周知的冷漠制造着无尽的苦难。We are still causing endless suffering with our well-known nonchalance.

不过我还是漫不经心地问,“有何不同“But still with some resemblance of nonchalance I asked, ?" "how different?"

也许可以说中国人显而易见的淡漠是在施展一种心理压力。It could be argued that the apparent Chinese nonchalance was a form of psychological pressure.

他吸引了所有的聚光灯,一位记者说到,“像一位杂技老演员计划好的”。He stole the spotlight, one reporter wrote, "with the studied nonchalance of an old vaudeville trouper."

同时,这种超脱使其获得自由的心灵,对流浪生活的热爱,并唤起他的自尊与淡定。And from this detachment arise also his sense of freedom, his love of vagabondage and his pride and nonchalance.

这种达观也产生了自由意识,放荡不羁的爱好,傲骨和漠然的态度。And from this detachment arise also his sense of freedom, his love of vagabondage and his pride and nonchalance.

注意托马斯绝好的冷淡随意和简单,“那是六月下旬“,“蒸气咝咝Notice Thomas's really superb nonchalance and offhandedness and simplicity. "It was late June." "The steam hissed."

注意托马斯绝好的冷淡随意和简单,“那是六月下旬“,“蒸气咝咝“Notice Thomas's really superb nonchalance and offhandedness and simplicity. "It was late June." "The steam hissed."

他的眼眸蓝如夏日晴空,泄露了他对朋友们的深情厚意,尽管有时他试图装出一副冷淡的样子。His eyes, blue as the summer sky, gave away his fierce devotion to his friends, even when he tried to feign nonchalance.

最真挚的亲情不因远离而疏远,不因久别而淡漠,离久越远,亲情弥足珍贵。The most sincere affection for not far from and alienation, not because of absence and nonchalance from long more far, affection treasured.

你犹豫不决的态度以及抑制不住的冷淡与事态的严重性完全不相称。Your irresolute attitude, coupled with your irrepressible sense of nonchalance simply is inappropriate to the seriousness of the situation.

一年后我回到广州,我们之间的异常冷淡让敏感的朋友察觉,他们精心设下了布局。One year later, I came back to Guangzhou, and the unusual nonchalance between us was sensed by our sensitive friends, who set a trap for us.

华美之风这种潮流创造出一种全新的优雅的漫不经心。衣服体现了流动性和柔软性。悬垂感和燃烧的橘色营造出一种新的性感。De-Lush fashion is creating a new refined nonchalance. Clothes are fluid and supple. Draping and burnt orange colours create a new sensuality.

王维、陶渊明的田园山水诗均属优美的美学范畴,以平淡、静谧为主要风格。Wang Wei's Idyll and Tao Yuanming's Idyll both fall into the aesthetic category of "beauty", with tranquility and nonchalance as their main style.

思嘉故意装出一副冷淡的样子掉过头去,幸喜嬷嬷正一个劲儿唠叨披肩的事,不曾看见她的脸。Scarlett turned away from Mammy with studied nonchalance , thankful that her face had been unnoticed in Mammy’s preoccupation with the matter of the shawl.

当嘉莉回到家时,赫斯渥还是像往常一样,在那里看报纸。他似乎对自己处境完全无动于衷,他至少有四天没刮胡子了。When Carrie returned home, there was Hurstwood, reading as usual. He seemed to take his condition with the utmost nonchalance. His beard was at least four days old.

一年后我回到广州,我们之间的异常冷淡让敏感的朋友察觉,他们精心设下了布局。One year later, I came back to Guangzhou, and the unusual nonchalance between us was sensed by our sensitive friends, who set a trap for us. We met again at a karaoke hall.

父亲,有这样一个忧伤,直接,权利,常规的地方,在那里我没有必要表现出学者式的冷淡,不必有所保留,不必将心灵设防…My father, it is surely a blue place and straight. Right, regular, where I shall find no need for scholarly nonchalance or looks a little to the left or guards upon the heart.