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我们必须利用每个小角落。We have to use every little nook.

穿过每一条走廊,寻遍每一个角落。Go through every aisle and every nook and corner.

现如今,我们生活的每个角落都充斥着广告。Every nook of our lives is filled with advertising these days.

把它放回还在几分钟前由它占据的角落。Put it back into the nook it occupied until a few minutes ago.

看,避难所的厨师能在小河边烹调钩上来的鱼。Look , the cook in the nook can cook fish in hook by the brook.

一个订制的半圆窗安装在早餐区的角落。A custom half-circle window was installed in the breakfast nook.

如果有可能的话,最好把读书角和房间其他空间分开。Seclude the reading nook from other parts of the room if possible.

她熟知开罗的每一个角落——这并非一日之功。She knows every nook and cranny in and around Cairo — no easy feat.

我叫道,指着一棵扭曲的树根下面的一个凹洞。I exclaimed, pointing to a nook under the roots of one twisted tree.

我角角落落都找遍了,还是没找到丢失的钮扣。I've searched every nook and cranny but can't find the button I lost.

北京任何一个犄角旮旯儿都能看见这种虫子。This kind of insect can be found in every nook and corner in Beijing.

在地球的每一角落和缝隙几乎都存在生命。Life can be found in almost every nook and cranny of our planet Earth.

那里到处都是生机,每一处角落,每一草一木都弥漫着一派生气勃勃。There is energy—a vibrancy—that permeates every little nook and cranny.

在黄石国家公园内,一只山地狮从多岩石的角落里向外凝视。A mountain lion peers out from a rocky nook in Yellowstone National Park.

由于其质软易碎,因此可以用来填充各处骨块间小的裂隙。Being soft and friable, this bone can be packed into any nook or crevice.

这张靠背沙发的照片是楼梯边上的一个角落。The photo of the settee is in a little nook on the side of the staircase.

我坐在早餐桌边,喝着咖啡,杯子在便条上留了个圆印儿。I sit in the breakfast nook and drink coffee and leave a ring on the note.

贪得无厌的人好奇,似乎要尝试克隆自然的一切。People are insatiably curious and seem determined to mine every nook of nature.

昨天晚上,我坐在我的角落里读些旧书,一直读到十二点。Yester-evening I sat in my nook reading some old books till late on towards twelve.

他们在法国一级行政区的角落与在当代建筑的一个裂隙里生存是一样快乐的。they are as happy in a French provincial nook as they are in a contemporary cranny.