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拜访营养学家。See a nutritionist.

你若是个持证营养师那对此会很有争议。Quite controversial if you’re a certified nutritionist.

如果需要帮助,和你的医生谈谈或者请教某位营养学专家。If you need help, speak with your doctor or consult a nutritionist.

你也可以咨询你的医师和营养师关于标签上的营养问题。If you need help reading the labels, ask your doctor or your nutritionist.

光有营养学家的建议是不够的。Advice from the nutritionist was not enough. Aminatou's family needed more.

一位顶尖的营养师提供关于如何良好摄取全麦食物的建议。A top nutritionist offers advice on how to get the most out of wholegrain foods.

直到有一天,在约见了一位营养师之后,她才下决心向肥胖开战。Until she visited a nutritionist and committed to do something about her weight gain.

格伦·曼登是一个热活力四射的年轻营养学家兼作家,已将自己的作品搬上了电视银幕。Glen Matten is an enthusiastic young nutritionist and writer who has made forays into TV.

如果你需要帮助才能理解那些标签的内容,咨询你的医生或营养学家。If you need help understanding the labels, ask your doctor or a nutritionist to explain them.

你的医生或营养学家能给你一些“何种食物是更健康的选择”的建议。Your doctor or a nutritionist can give you advice on what kinds of foods are healthy choices.

他是我的男友,也是我的心理谘询师,老师,营养学家和不会令人恼怒的对象。He was my boyfriend, psychological consulter, teacher, nutritionist and undeserved target of anger.

最近,许多专业运动队给他们的组织增加了一名新成员——一个营养师。Many professional sports teams have recently added a new member to their organization-a nutritionist.

友谊医院营养科主任洪忠新介绍说,夏天解渴,喝茶最好。Guangzhou Medical school third affiliated hospital nutrition branch nutritionist once the green hill said.

直到我咨询了我的一个做营养师的朋友才知道,我需要摄取足够的铁或者蛋白质才行。It was only after consulting a nutritionist friend that I realized I wasn’t getting enough iron or protein.

例如一名营养学家就曾告诉我说红曲米有降低胆固醇的作用,而且绝非空穴来风。For example, a nutritionist told me that Red Yeast Rice has been shown to be effective in lowering cholesterol.

食品原材料专家Jessica?Fenton表示,黑巧克力健康但又不发胖的关键在于纯正的可可豆荚。Raw-food expert and nutritionist Jessica Fenton says the answer lies in the unadulterated beans of the cacao pod.

英国营养学家薇姬•埃奇森认为这一过程的最终结果是面包变得“越来越白,越来越没营养”。In the process, bread ends up being "blanched and nutrient stripped" as British nutritionist Vicki Edgson puts it.

纽约大学营养学家马里恩·纳斯特尔说,“仅此一项就足以说明肥胖流行的原因了。”"And that alone, " says New YorkUniversity nutritionist Marion Nestle, "is sufficient to explain theobesity epidemic."

还有一个住户是以前为中国最后一个重量级的帝国统治者——慈禧太后掌厨的御厨的后代。Another is the descendant of a nutritionist who worked for the Empress Dowager Cixi, China’s last great imperial ruler.

位于香港的活力健康中心主管,加拿大营养学家德洛丽丝?钟也给出了一些详细的建议。Canadian nutritionist Dolores Chung, director of the Hong Kong based Dynamic Health Centre, has some more detailed advice.