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缺乏角度是很糟糕的。Lack of angulation is objectionable.

弯曲的前腿和提琴前腿都属于缺陷。Bandy legs and fiddle front are objectionable.

或许这就是反对者感到该反对的。Perhaps this is what the naysayers find objectionable.

这是由于其不良分子损坏发动机。It is objectionable due to its damage on engine elements.

没有多少裸体像能像直率的真情那麽的客观。There are few nudities so objectionable as the naked truth.

所有可能引起异议的词句都从手稿中删掉了。All the objectionable words and phrases were edited out of the manuscripts.

如果系统验证时,没有打印的图纸文件,通常是不能被接受的。If a system has no print, it is usually considered an objectionable condition.

这是由于其不良分子损坏发动机。But it is far from clear that accepting DD has these objectionable consequences.

最不应该、最要反对的是言之无物的文章。Articles devoid of substance are the least justifiable and the most objectionable.

毕竟,大多数人都倾向于认为,不平等会引起道德异议。After all, most of us are inclined to think that inequality is morally objectionable.

像中国和伊朗就阻止了他们认为存在政治异议的网站。Countries like China and Iran already block Web sites they regard as politically objectionable.

当不饱和脂肪酸与氧结合时产生令人讨厌的味道和臭味。Occurs when unsaturated fatty acids combine with oxygen to produce objectionable flavours and odours.

除非有了什么太看不顺眼的地方,那个做姐妹的会这样冒昧?What sister would think herself at liberty to do it, unless there were something very objectionable ?

我解释道,这不仅是因为我的确反对政府这一令人反感的行动,也是因为这是我的职责。It is not only my right to object to my government’s objectionable actions, I explain, but it is my duty.

这里没有任何阴阳人的意见会受到责难,即使是难以瞭解或者是有人可能会反对的意见。No intersex voices censured here, even those which might be hard to understand or objectionable to some people.

纯黑色是很不理想的颜色,但在花斑色中出现一定量的黑色斑块则是允许的。Solid black is very undesirable, but not so objectionable if occurring to a moderate degree in piebald patches.

我向你保证,这位现实生活中的蓝本人物比我塑造出来的吉德罗更加令人无法接受。I assure you that the person on whom Gilderoy was modelled was even more objectionable than his fictional counterpart.

你做一点改变,原来是互补味的东西现在开始突出并变得讨厌。You make one little change and something that was a complementary flavor now starts to stand out and become objectionable.

大多数学校在计算机上加入了阻止电子邮件、聊天、游戏和限制关键字搜索网页的配置。Most schools configured the machines to block e-mail, chat, games and Web sites reached by searching on objectionable key words.

信中要求他交回写着“无神论者”几个字的车牌,其原因是这几个字“招人烦”。Instructing him to return his vehicle's license plate, emblazoned with the word "atheist", on the grounds that it was "objectionable"