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忠贞的爱情容不下负心的背叛。Duteous love can not contain the onerous treachery.

这是我承担过的最艰巨的任务。This is the most onerous task I have ever undertaken.

我并不假装,说婚姻可以免掉它繁重的职责。I do not pretend that marriage can be freed from onerous duties.

对于贝拉克-奥巴马,危机后的平静尤为让人担忧。For Barack Obama, the calm looks likely to be especially onerous.

大多数管理员都认为分页是一件很麻烦的事情。Most administrators think of paging as something that is onerous.

苹果带来了大量的保密开发协议。Apple has brought back the onerous developer non-disclosure agreement.

违反潮流,倒转去寻求和洽,往往比进行战争更为棘手。A harmony established contrary to sense is often more onerous than a war.

所有这些限制,实际都没给空头施加太重的负担。None of these restrictions impose a really onerous burden on short-sellers.

之后戈黛娃的丈夫遵守诺言,赦免了繁重的税赋。In the end, Godiva's husband keeps his word and abolishes the onerous taxes.

主唱迈克尔·杰克逊的工作甚至比兄弟们更加繁重。As lead singer, Michael's schedule was more onerous than that of his brothers.

作为一名领导干部,赵荣桂首先承担着繁重的工作任务。As a leading cadre, Zhao Ronggui bears lots of onerous task in the first place.

目前,我国存在土地使用权有偿出让与无偿划拨两种制度。There exist onerous remise system and nude transfer system of right of land use.

在最近凭添了繁重的新任务之后,他们可能面对更多的考验。After the recent introduction of onerous new obligations, they are likely to face more.

别仅仅因为它似乎看上去很遥远而且繁重,所以你就去答应。Don’t agree to something just because it seems so far off that it doesn’t seem onerous.

香港包括香港岛和九龙半岛,属大陆性岛和半岛。The major vagetation is mixed forest with onerous and Laurus in Hong Kong island and Kowloon.

贫穷国家对于企业经营的不合理管束仍然远远多于富裕国家。Inapposite regulation of business remains far more onerous in poor countries than in rich ones.

全面建设小康社会,最艰巨最繁重的任务在农村。The most difficult and onerous tasks to build a well-off society comprehensively focus on rural area.

不过由于中国政府为防止货币投机活动而设立了繁复的外汇管制,人民币的投资机会依然有限。But thanks to onerous exchange controls to thwart currency speculation, yuan options still are limited.

那些今天在你看来是繁重的活儿一旦被你拿下,或许到了明天,它们可以带给你巨大的满足感。The chore that feels onerous today may give you a huge boost of satisfaction tomorrow, when it's behind you.

今天让你感觉繁重的无聊事明天可能就会带给你巨大的满足,如果你能完成的话。The chore that feels onerous today may give you a huge boost of satisfaction tomorrow, when it’s behind you.