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此后,人们又逐渐研究发展出腹腔内网片镶嵌贴补技术。This was followed by the development of the intraperitoneal onlay mesh technique.

膜内化骨贴附于下颌骨表面同期植入种植体可能修复效果更好。Intramembranous bone preserves more volumes after onlay grafting than endochondral bone does.

有不同的技术来应付这些问题,如使用外置皮质骨移植。There are various techniques to overcome these problems, such as the use of cortical onlay grafts.

本文报告了采用针型高嵌体修复牙体缺损时的几种设计方案,以及针道制备要点。This article reports some designs of pinledge onlay and gives important points of its manufacture.

结论全铸瓷高嵌体是后牙牙体缺损、牙体折断的可靠修复方法。Conclusion All-ceramic onlay is an ideal and reliable restoration method for teeth body restoration and protection.

结论犬的尿道黏膜可用颊黏膜补片和结肠黏膜补片来替代。Conclusions Urethral mucosa can be replaced by colonic mucosa as well as buccal mucosa by using onlay urethroplasty.

贴附植骨仍然适用于少数新鲜骨折、骨折畸形愈合、不愈合以及截骨的病例。The onlay graft is still applicable to a limited group of fresh, malunited, and ununited fractures and after osteotomies.

在治疗骨干不愈合时,贴附植骨方法更为简便、有效,几乎完全替代了镶嵌植骨。In the treatment of diaphyseal nonunions, the onlay technique is simpler and more efficient and has almost replaced the inlay graft.

结论牛骨外置移植结合螺钉型牙种植体植入可增加受区骨量。Conclusion The onlay cattle bone grafting in conjunction with screw type dental implants can be used to increase the volume of the recipient bone.

目的探讨应用自体下颌骨外板行颅面部不同部位贴附植骨后的体积变化情况。Methods Six cases underwent onlay bone graft to the angle and body part of mandible and malar surface simultaneously by using mandibular outer cortex.

在镶嵌和裱贴设计上特殊的外科技术有少许不同,但是基本原则是相同的。Specific surgical techniques vary slightly between inlay and onlay designs and in regard to available instrumentation, but the basic principles are uniform.

目的探讨应用纵形带蒂岛状包皮瓣加筋膜覆盖一期治疗小儿尿道下裂的临床效果。Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of one stage therapy with vertical pedicle onlay island flap with covering of fasciaes on children hypospadias.

一般情况下固定最好借助于内、外金属器械,只有在极为特殊的情况下才选用皮质骨贴附移植作为固定手段,而且只用于短骨和应力很小的情况下。Only in an extremely unusual situation would a cortical onlay graft be indicated for fixation, and then only in small bones and when little stress is expected.

本文在总结以往经验的基础上,针对有关下颌骨外板及贴附植骨的关键与热点问题进行了相关的基础和临床研究。This article illustrates some study of mandibular outer cortex and onlay bone graft on basic and clinic area, reports the results of our further basic and clinic research.

但最能体现艾米莉的与众不同和作为小说家深厚功底的是那复杂,却构思巧妙、多视角独特设计的叙事结构。Nevertheless, onlay the complicated, ingeniously conceived narrative structure designed from various angles really incarnates Emily's originality and her solid foundation as a novelist.