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所以,哲思逻辑又可以称为对当关系逻辑。Therefore, metaphysical logic can be also termed oppositional logic.

反对派公开的“反谢利格尔”论坛在希姆基森林完成了自己的工作。"The Antiseliger", an open oppositional forum has finished in Himkinsky forest.

两本都是杰出的处在对立面的杂志,但是它们的类型和看法却截然不同。Both of these are mischievous, oppositional magazines but with very different styles and attitudes.

在全国各地,人民的不满情绪渐渐转化为坚定的革命情绪。Everywhere the oppositional mood of the people was transmuted into a definitely revolutionary mood.

迅速回转,黏性的存在被手的相对存在所取代。In a quick turnabout, the existence of stickiness is supplanted by the oppositional being of the hand.

它对持不同政见者和反对党采取高压政策,操纵选举和军事化劳动。It suppressed political dissent and oppositional parties, manipulated elections and militarized labour.

在O.T.二阶段,山达基进行演习和直观化来探索对抗之力。In the second level, Scientologists engage in exercises and visualizations that explore oppositional forces

这些行为可能会被误解为对立和“困难”时,它们实际上是焦虑有关。These behaviors may be misinterpreted as oppositional and "difficult" when they are actually anxiety related.

地域特异性和独立性的观念并不像过去那样具有鲜明的对立关系。Notions of site specificity and autonomy do not really have the same oppositional relationship as in the past.

机器人足球比赛是近年来在国际上迅速开展起来的高技术对抗活动。Robot Soccer game is an international and high-tech oppositional activity that develops rapidly in recent years.

未见学习困难、对立违抗、品行障碍、抑郁、自残等共病单独存在者。Learning disability, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, depression, self-injurious behavior were not existed alone.

混合经济的思想是两个极端之间的一种调和,但它仍然是现代对立思维的产物。The idea of the mixed economy is a compromise between the two poles, but it is still the product of modern oppositional thinking.

另外一种方法是建立同传统经典并存但是相互对抗的经典,比如说,女性、美国黑人或是同性恋的作品。Another approach has been to establish parallel, oppositional canons, say, of work by women, African Americans, or gays and lesbians.

其中最吸引我的是一些反对意见,他们用「阿妈」式的语调说这样是「唔守规矩」、「好无礼貌」等等。I am drawn to some oppositional voices, they speak in the "mother" style, saying that the action is a "misbehavior" and "disrespectful", etc.

机器人足球比赛是近年来在国际上开展的高技术对抗性活动,是自动化和机器人领域最具有前瞻性的研究之一。The robot soccer game is a high-tech oppositional activity, it is one of the most forward-looking researches of the fileds of automation and robotics.

近年来,对立违抗性障碍儿童的相关问题逐渐成为精神卫生和心理学领域的研究热点。Recent years, oppositional defiant disorder children-related issues have gradually become a hot spot in the field of mental health and psychology research.

但对立违抗性障碍症状组儿童在两种实验情境中的反应时并无显著差异,没有出现冲突效应。Oppositional defiant disorder symptoms group's mean reaction time is no significant difference between these two experimental situations, no conflict effect is observed.

意识形态、社会制度、发展模式的差异,不应成为人类文明交流的障碍,更不能成为相互对抗的理由。The discrepancy of the recognizant form, the societal system and the developmental mode should not become the obstruction of the intercourse and the oppositional reason.

相比之下,具有对立型文化模型的消费者相信,市场上的商家一旦有机会,就会毫不犹豫的利用、强迫和控制消费者。In contrast, consumers with an oppositional cultural model believe that marketers would not hesitate to take advantage of, coerce, and control them, given the opportunity.

结果是在这种社会中只存在单向度的思考与行为,批判性思考与反对行为都渐渐式微。The result was a "one-dimensional" universe of thought and behavior in which the very aptitude and ability for critical thinking and oppositional behavior was withering away.