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暴发户摆阔的生活方式显示出他的浅薄。The bounder's ostentatious life showed his inanition.

他们的女儿在办婚事时摆阔。Their daughter was ostentatious on her wedding reception.

重新定义的奢华,不再是卖弄的奢侈风潮,而是智慧和保守的气质。Luxury re-defined, not as ostentatious but rather intelligent and understated.

他骑了一部新的脚踏车,在我家前面夸耀地骑来骑去。He rode his new bicycle up and down in front of our house in an ostentatious way.

中国历史上最富丽堂皇,极尽奢华的朝代之一。One of the most flamboyantly wealthy and ostentatious reigns in the country's history.

今年,这些摆阔和炫耀将让位于社会责任的话题。This year, those ostentatious displays will take a back seat to social responsibility.

卖弄谦虚者跟披挂无花果树叶的塑像没什么两样。The man who is ostentatious of his modesty is twin to the statue that wears a fig-leaf.

如果消费者不求斥金如土,但望勤俭持家,运通也希望一路有它。If consumers espouse frugality instead of ostentatious spending, Amex wants to be there.

这些名词的中心意思都是。给人以深刻印象或炫耀性的夸示。The central meaning shared by these nouns is . an impressive or ostentatious exhibition.

迪拜风景名胜图片。帆船酒店的单桅帆船轮廓变成一个圣像的迪拜的华美的闪光。The Burj Al Arab hotel's dhow-sail profile has become an icon of Dubai's ostentatious glitz.

那些铺张、摆阔的设计一定会很快受到市场的冷落。Those states, ostentatious and extravagant design will soon be cold-shouldered by the market.

其实有一些紫罗兰也觉得小矮人的丑陋大半是他自己故意做出来的。Some of the Violets themselves felt that the ugliness of the little Dwarf was almost ostentatious.

在欧洲,东方快车以装饰极度奢华而闻名,并催生了好几个竞争者。In Europe, the Orient Express earned a reputation for ostentatious luxury and spawned several rivals.

邋遢的裤子,牛仔裤,招摇的珠宝,怪异的发型和发色都是被严令禁止的。Scruffy trousers, jeans, ostentatious jewelry and outrageous hair styles and colors are strictly banned.

法兰素对这名爱炫耀的傢伙感到非常好奇,并整天跟著他,直至最后二人终于结识了。Intrigued by the noisy ostentatious fellow, she follows him until she finally comes into contact with him.

“所展示的生活方式比你在西方看到的还要卖弄”,奥莱·斯凯尔说,“这些新兴的巨富们的生活方式会让你想起说唱歌手唱到的麦克豪宅。"The lifestyles on display are more ostentatious than most of what you'd see in the West," says Ole Schell.

人们往往希望炒作这些图像,因此使我的客户看起来像是在炫耀。People tend to want to sensationalize the images and thereby make my clients look like they are ostentatious.

那位夜班护士走下这名义上属于她雇主的丑怪而浮华的房屋。The night nurse made her way down through what was technically her employer's house, an ugly, ostentatious one.

而与此同时,在中国、印度和海湾等地,爱摆阔的新富人们对钻石饰品的需求急剧上升。At the same time, demand is roaring in China, India and the Gulf, where the new rich love ostentatious adornment.

哪位可以确保今早把这篇文章以一种很引人注目的方式放在布什的桌子上吗?!Can someone make sure this article appears in a very ostentatious and prominent fashion on Bush's desk this morning?