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很遗憾,什么也不可能取代计算机。I 'm sorry to say nothing could oust a computer.

幼鸟从鸟巢里掉下来了,还不会飞。Baby cuckoos oust other baby birds from their nests.

有些人怀疑,其目的是否是驱逐卡扎菲。Some wonder whether the objective should be to oust Colonel Gadhafi.

相比之下,伊朗革命经过了一年的抗议示威,才在1979年迫使伊朗国王下台。To put it in perspective, it took over a year of protests to oust the Shah of Iran in 1979.

因为对大公司,甚至是更大的集团而言,最终都会面临来自初创业者的激烈竞争,乃至被或排挤出局、或受制于人。eventually face stiff competition from newcomers, who either oust them, or at least keep them in check.

于是一群生活在夏威夷的美国商人和种植业主就策划要驱逐她,他们举行了起义,然后向美国寻求保护。A group of American businessmen and planters in Hawaii plotted to oust her. The group started an uprising.

自从2003年3月美军入侵伊拉克,驱逐伊拉克原领导人萨达姆.候赛因以来,已有4200多名美国人死在这里。More than 4,200 have died since American forces moved in to oust Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein in March 2003.

民众看到了本。阿里的真实面目,这些沉默的大多数,或至少是沉默者中那群健康的,不作恶的人,涌上街头,驱逐了他们的国王。With that, the silent majority -- or at least a healthy slice of it -- poured into the streets to oust him.

最后,这些复兴的曼达洛保卫者们成功地将帝国元帅逐出了曼达洛空间。Eventually, the rejuvenated Mandalorian Protectors were able to oust the Grand Admiral from Mandalorian space.

佩林发表在因特网信息中的一句名言是“别后退,再次子弹上膛”,以此来鼓动共和党人把民主党人赶下台。Palin famously posted an Internet message saying "Don’t retreat, reload" to rally Republicans to oust Democrats from office.

在选举开始时,民主党能否驱逐东京拥有70个议会席位的执政联盟还不得而知。On the threshold of balloting, it isn't clear if the DPJ can oust the city's ruling coalition, which now holds 70 Assembly seats.

当政府注资并取得股权时,我将把在任管理层赶走,除非有非常有力的理由要求我不这么做。When the government injects capital and takes a stake, I'd oust incumbent management unless there was a compelling reason not to.

但为了驱逐外国军队,恢复伊斯兰教统治,莫拉·奥马尔的塔利班组织却使用国家解放运动的华丽说辞。But Mullah Omar's Taliban has adopted the rhetoric of a national liberation struggle, to oust foreign forces and restore Islamic rule.

我们于1991年春天回到了英国,在此之前,戈尔巴乔夫把一些居心叵测的人委派到政治局,这些人在当年八月的一次政变中推翻了他。Before we returned to England in spring 1991, Gorbachev appointed to the Politburo the sinister men who would oust him in a coup that August.

他一直试图将杨致远赶下台因其没能和微软达成协议,他指责杨通过引入一个昂贵的员工遣散方案来搞砸了会谈。He has been working to oust Yang for failing to make a deal with Microsoft, accusing him of sabotaging talks by adopting a costly employee-severance plan.

祖玛总统可能因为利比亚领导在其竞选过程中做出的经济支持而自感惭愧,而不愿驱逐前总统塔博·姆贝基。Mr Zuma may feel he owes the Libyan leader a special debt for allegedly backing him financially in his campaign to oust the former president, Thabo Mbeki.

在塔利班力图将受西方支持的政府和军队赶出阿富汗的斗争中,韩国人质是被绑架的外国人中人数最多的一次。The Koreans are the biggest group of foreigners kidnapped so far in the Taliban campaign to oust the Western-backed government and force out foreign troops.

对卡扎菲的众多支持者来说,那些试图驱逐卡扎菲的军事行动是他所痛斥的西方干涉和新殖民主义的又一例证。For many of Gadhafi's supporters, the military operation to oust him was another example of the Western interference and neocolonialism that he railed against.

此决议并不支持推翻卡扎非的行动,决议同时还严令禁止盟军支持利比亚反叛军,也严令禁止盟军达成更多的政治目的。It does not support actions to oust Gadhafi, and imposes serious restrictions on the coalition's ability to assist the rebels and achieve broader political goals.

警告触动了阿拉伯国家领导人的敏感话题,允许美国剥夺伊拉克总统萨达姆-侯赛因的政权,将威胁到他们自身同样不民主的统治政权。The remark touched on concerns by Arab leaders that allowing the United States to oust Iraqi President Saddam Hussein could threaten their own undemocratic regimes.