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而容易使用的电话销量也会比难用的电话多。The easy-to-use phone will outsell the hard-to-use phone. All else being equal.

早期,汽油车的销售开始超过所有其他类型的汽车。By the early 1900s, gasoline cars started to outsell all other types of motor vehicles.

到2011年底,智能手机的销量将超过传统手机,2012年则会超过PC。By the end of 2011 smartphones will outsell ordinary phones, and by 2012 they will outsell PCs.

上个月,降价措施帮助PS3游戏机在美国的销量首次超过任天堂的Wii游戏机。The price cut helped the PS3 outsell Nintendo's Wii console in the US for the first time last month.

预计今年内,安装谷歌Android操作系统的智能手机在销量上将超过iPhone。Smartphones that run on Google's Android operating system also are expected to outsell iPhones this year.

以前需要占据半个起居室的设备,如今一个背包就能装下."What once occupied half your living room can now be dropped in a bag," said Outsell Inc analyst Ned May.

据一家韩国时报报道称,据传闻三星的主管想要在三年里超过他们的对手诺基亚。Samsung executives are reportedly eager to outsell rival Nokia within three years, according to a Korea Times report.

与白噪音适用的视频虚拟化技术会卖给这些人,事实上,因为我们这么快就宁愿买这种虚拟的东西了。Video virtualizations corresponding to white noise may outsell these because, in fact, we're getting to prefer virtualizing so fast.

乔布斯说,“RIM是一家生产优质产品的公司,在仅仅15月的时间内,让市场销售额超过他们这是很令人惊讶的事实。RIM is a company that makes good products, and it's surprising after only 15 months in the market we could outsell them in any quarters.

为了增加我们的销售量,并且事实上卖的比他们多,我们应该引进这条生产线,求得价格的多样化。In order to increase Largo's sales and in fact outsell Allegro, we should introduce a line of digital pianos in a variety of price ranges.

所以尽管其他规格一样,40GB的MP3拨放器会淘汰掉20GB的MP3播放器、容易使用的电话会取代难用的电话,这部分的概念是一般人所默认的。So the 40GB MP3 player, all else being equal, will outsell the 20GB MP3 player. The easy-to-use phone will outsell the hard-to-use phone. All else being equal. That part is not weird.

尽管在绝大多数产品市场,传统零售商的销售量大幅超过网络零售商,但大部分关于网络零售量的调查却忽略了这一基本情况。Although traditional retailers vastly outsell Internet retailers in most product categories, research on Internet retailing has largely neglected this fundamental dimension of competition.

“我们卖的是他们的二倍到一倍”,他指出,使用微软手机软件的手机早就能拥有GPS和3G功能,而且还能和电脑相互协作。“We outsell them by two to one.” He points out, legitimately, that many phones using Microsoft Mobile software have long had both GPS and 3G, and have always tied into corporate computer systems.