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其重要性无论怎么强调都不过分。Its importance cannot be overemphasized.

我认为ACME过份强调市场份额了。I think market share has been overemphasized here at ACME.

个人卫生的重要再怎么强调也不为过。The importance of personal hygiene cannot be overemphasized.

二者不可偏废。Neither should be overemphasized at the expense of the other.

对于创建和培育品牌信息无论如何强调都是不过分的。Creating and living the brand message cannot be overemphasized.

应当特别强调适当进行润滑的重要性。The importance of proper lubrication can not be overemphasized.

这证据显示~的重要性在怎麽强调都不为过。This evidence shows that the importance of ~ cannot be overemphasized.

一个全面,考虑周到的商业计划的重要性是不容忽视的。The importance of a comprehensive, thoughtful business plan cannot be overemphasized.

例︰这证据显示流量安全的重要性在怎么强调都不为过。This evidence clarifys those the importance of traffic safety cannot be overemphasized.

公平,有效,以及定期定额的分配需求怎么强调也不过分。The need for a fair, efficient, and regular ration distribution cannot be overemphasized.

在西方,所谓的生命——通常过份强调印度教消极的外貌。In the West, the socalled life- negating aspects of Hinduism have often been overemphasized.

因此,学思应当有机结合,不可偏废。Therefore, learning and reflection should be integrated and neither should be overemphasized.

在这种情况下,无论怎样强调大型企业的社会责任感的重要性都不为过。And the importance of large enterprises' social responsibility cannot be overemphasized in such cases.

实际上,基督教书籍在传福音工作上的重要性是永远都不能被低估的。In fact, theimportance of the evangelistic function in Christian literature canhardly be overemphasized.

有些时候我们太重视属灵恩赐,以致忽略了神用来塑造你的其他因素。Sometimes spiritual gifts are overemphasized to the neglect of the other factors God uses to shape you for service.

不能过分的强调生命周期过程的重要性和它在项目管理中的影响。The importance of this life span process and its influence on the management of the project cannot be overemphasized.

信心、信念以及其他与人对自己的信任有关的因素所起的作用怎么强调都不为过。The part played by confidence, faith, or whatever you wish to label man's belief in himself, cannot be overemphasized.

有时,属灵的恩赐被过分强调,由此忽略了其他重要的因素,而这些因素也是神用来建造我们,使我们服侍他的。Sometimes spiritual gifts are overemphasized to the neglect of the other factors that God uses to shape you for service.

北京的住宅项目因其过去不注重功能而导致今日过分强调功能。Beijing residential projects in the past did not pay attention to their functions as a result of today overemphasized functions.

规律运动的重要性再怎麽强调也不为过。因此,我已经下定决心要尽量常运动。The importance of regular exercise cannot be overemphasized. Therefore, I have made up my mind to exercise as often as possible.