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墙上爬满了长春藤。The wall is overgrown with ivy.

蔓草长满栅栏上。The vines have overgrown the wall.

而且都生满青苔、开满花朵All overgrown with azure moss and flowers

河岸上长满了芦苇。The river banks were overgrown with reed.

盆养花长得极高,超出了支架。The flower plant has overgrown its support.

它杂草丛生,完全被忽略了。It was quite overgrown and had been neglected.

探察杂草丛生的寺院周围地区。Exploring the overgrown purlieus of the temple.

房子的外墙上长满了藤蔓。The outer walls of the house are overgrown by vines.

该公司过剩的经销商网络将得到修剪。The company's overgrown dealer network will be pruned.

花园里的刺藤和忍冬长得太多了。The garden was overgrown with bramble and honeysuckle.

松林中有长耳毛的瘦高型欧洲猫头鹰。This part of Europe was overgrown by giant pine trees.

你可不可以只修剪两侧多长出来的表皮?Could you just cut those overgrown cuticles on the sides?

杂草在水泥人行道上挤出裂缝生长,街道都变成密林。Pavements are soon cracked by weeds and streets overgrown.

在杂草丛生的田里,一台生了锈的旧式农用割草机引人注目。An old farm mower rusting appealingly in an overgrown field.

他飞来飞去象个大蝙蝠倒是真有用。So useful to have him swooping around like an overgrown bat.

那里很潮湿和臭,长满了多刺的植物和荆棘。It was damp and smelly , and overgrown with thorns and briars.

肿瘤是由过度生长的组织导致的肿块。Brain tumors. A tumor is a swelling caused by overgrown tissue.

过于繁茂的落叶灌木可以在每年的这个时候修剪。Overgrown deciduous shrubs can be cut back at this time of year.

如果你选的路线荆棘丛生,难以举步。And if the path you choose is too overgrown to make further progress.

从前连接榆树街和河岸的那条小道已经长满了草木。The old lane that used to connect Elm Street to riverbanks was overgrown.