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在缝合处再缝一次。An overhand stitch or seam.

有助于缝纫工的缝制。An overhand stitch or seam.

发球有上手发球和下手发球两种。Ball may be served underhand or overhand.

你可以去上手或反握。You can go for overhand or underhand grip.

他仍然抵挡不了右手下划拳。He's still susceptible to an overhand right.

您还可以将与一上手抓地力的酒吧。You can also hold the bar with an overhand grip.

有多少种上手发球的方法?。How mang ways can the overhand serves be played in?

我更喜欢使用双除公关上手抓地力。I prefer to use a double overhand grip except for PR.

残酷和不可预见的事件取代了过去,并建立了过去的桥梁。Brutal and unforeseen events take overhand and build a bridge to the past.

为了防止散开而包着边儿缝的一种缝法。A long whip stitch or overhand stitch overlying an edge to prevent raveling.

把握一个上手的抓地力和手中的酒吧较肩略宽。Grasp the bar with an overhand grip and hands slightly wider than shoulder width.

所以我还是假设他们的攻击方式,是自上而下的吧,这样比较容易理解So, I will be talking about the overhand stroke, which I find it easier to grasp.

正手握杠铃,让它舒服地架在你的后肩上。Hold a barbell with an overhand grip so that it rests comfortably on your upper back.

他可能已经会踢球了,但还不会跳或者将东西从头顶扔出去。He can probably kick a ball, too, yet hasn't gotten the hang of jumping or throwing overhand.

添加上手在每个交叉结摩擦和不断增加的花边更坚定。Adding an overhand knot at each crossover increases friction and keeps the lacing much firmer.

正面上手发球是普通高校排球课教学的一项重要内容和考核项目。Frontal overhand serve is an important content and exam courses in volleyball teaching in colleges and universities.

在门厅处,地面铺设中投下的“彩色花环”又显示出女主人的热情与浪漫。Be in vestibular place, in ground laid overhand " chromatic anadem " the enthusiasm that shows goodwife again and romance.

上手发球有不同的方法,例如上手飘球、手旋转球和大力发球等。Overhand serves may be played in differents ways, such as the overhand floater serve, the overhand spin serve and the power serve.

学习抛上手手腕翻转倒的卡锁,从自由泳冠军旋转飞盘在这个自由飞盘影片。Learn to throw the overhand wrist flip upside down with snap and spin from a freestyle Frisbee champion in this free Frisbee video.

当梭镖投射器以弧形投掷时,镖枪从空中快速飞过时就会产生巨大的动力,从而击中目标。When the atlatl is swung hard inan overhand arc, the dart is given huge momentum on its rapid journeythrough the air to hit its target.