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月经过多。是什么原因?。Menstruation is overmuch. What reason be?

刮痧瘦腿不宜过多。Scrapping thin leg is unfavorable and overmuch.

维生素服用过多会引起中毒吗。The vitamin takes overmuch meeting to cause toxic.

并不会花过多的时间来维护一个关系。Can not spend overmuch time to maintain a relationship.

游离的钙离子过多会抑制牛奶的稳定性。Overmuch free ionic calcium depresses the stability of milk.

所以,在寝室或书房应避免使用过多的红色。So, should avoid to use overmuch red in the dormitory or study.

医生的报告表明他的死是由于过度劳累所致。The doctor's report says that his death was caused by overmuch tire.

由于过剩的人力,这一体制使公司处境不利。The system puts the firm at a disadvantage because of its overmuch manpower.

失血过多的贫血包括急性和慢性失血的贫血。Exsanguine and overmuch anaemia includes acute and chronic and exsanguine anemia.

这些菌能够水解表皮上的甘油三脂,形成过多的游离脂肪酸刺激皮肤所致。They can hydrolyze triglyceride on cuticle, and form overmuch fat acid to stimulate skin.

就好像一棵大树,不能被斧头砍,在砍了一刀后再过多少年伤疤也治愈不了。Just like a tree, cannot be An axe, who had a sword after again overmuch teenager scar also cure.

比例至关重要,明亮高调的色彩过多或过少都会让整体效果黯然失色。Scale is crucial, bright and high-key colour can make integral effect overmuch or too less dim and blank.

这就使得信用成为中国商品相对过剩经济时期最稀缺的资源。Then credit becomes the scarcest resource during the China commodities comparatively overmuch economy period.

未过多久,又发生了一起和漫画内容相似的殡仪馆杀人事件。Not overmuch long, produced the event of funeral parlour homicide with caricature content likeness one case again.

因此,苹果不宜过多量食用,一般食用量为每日1-2个为宜。Therefore, the apple is unfavorable and overmuch quantity edible, the general consumption for daily 1-2 advisable.

为了避免债务人承担过多的风险,在受让人进行通知时应当赋予债务人提存的权利。To avoid the overmuch risks obligor bears, obligor should have the right of drawing in the event of notice by assignee.

若摄取了过多的动物性脂肪,就很轻易在下半身囤积,进一步造成臀部下垂。If absorbed overmuch animal sex adipose, playing half body hoard for speculation very easily, cause coxal prolapse further.

但在具体优化过程中,过多的仿真次数是影响寻优速度的重要因素。But in simulation-based optimization, overmuch simulation number of times is an important reason of reducing optimization speed.

你们宽恕劝慰他,反倒更好,免得他一时为过度的忧苦所吞噬。So that on the contrary, you should rather forgive him and comfort him, lest perhaps such a one be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow.

倒不如赦免他,安慰他,免得他忧愁太过,甚至沉沦了。So that contrariwise ye ought rather to forgive him, and comfort him, lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow.