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别太看重我所说的话。Don't overplay what I said.

你不可过高估计他在谈判中的作用。You must not overplay his part in the negotiations.

“我尽量不夸大它的准确,”说波默罗伊。"I try not to overplay the accuracy of it, " says Pomeroy.

请不要强调你的手,并尝试遇到的斯塔德利达德利。Do not overplay your hand and try to come across as Studley Dudley.

在他们有可能重新开始的恋爱游戏中,雷斯不想强求。In their game of reopened possibilities, he didn’t want to overplay his own hand.

巴基斯坦日益增强的自给自足意识使得他们在同美国谈判时过高地估计了自己。Pakistanis' growing sense of autarky has led them to overplay their hand in negotiations with the United States.

如果你想成为一支优秀的球队,一名优秀的球员,你必须打败所有的对手,这就是我们的目标。If you want to be a better team, a better player, you have to overplay and outplay the other guys. That's our objective.

黄金价格就像股票和债券一样,很有可能会继续波动,所以打这张牌的时候也别玩过火。Uncertainty about the economy. Gold, like stocks and bonds, will probably continue to bounce around, so don't overplay your gold card.

然而,北京很容易地表现过火,尤其是如果它没有考虑到这种做法可能带来意想不到的后果。Beijing, however, could easily overplay its hand—especially if it fails to consider the possible unintended consequences of such an approach.

届时,高油价应该可以确保查韦斯控制局面,尽管他并不愿意一直夸大他的政治手段。Until then, high oil prices should ensure Chavez maintains local control, despite his willingness to consistently overplay his political hand.

我们都知道,人在做过决定之后不仅会倾向于夸大其益处,还会夸大他所拒绝的选择的不利之处。It is known that after people have made a decision, they tend to exaggerate its benefits. They also overplay the potential downsides of options they rejected.

对北京当局而言,政策错误在两边都得承担政治风险.过度强调通胀威胁,成长可能放缓、危及就业且导致社会动荡不安.但食品价格和房价高涨已令民众怨声连连.For Beijing, policy mistakes on either side carry political risks. Overplay the inflation threat and growth could slow, threatening jobs and leading to social unrest.

许和编剧李樯对幽默的观察很有诀窍,但影片和演员用了太多时间做过重的喜剧表演,忽视了隐含的辛酸。Hui and screenwriter Li Qiang have a knack for humorous observation, but the film rambles , the actors tending for too long to overplay the comedy and ignore the underlying poignancy.

我不想再过分的强调它的重要性,不过我们不妨回顾一下几年前,卡特里娜飓风的灾后过程,就会认识到缺乏协调沟通是多么可怕And I don't want to overplay the social importance of this, but go back a couple of years to what was happening in the aftermath of Katrina and realize how bad things get when things fail to be coordinated.