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黄体生成素过多可导致卵巢产生雄激素过多。Excess LH or insulin may cause the ovaries to overproduce androgens.

当我最终录这首歌的时候并没有过度制作,这让我的粉丝们很宽慰。When I finally recorded it, my fans were relieved that we didn't overproduce it.

任何定点生产企业不得违反国家规定超计划生产麻黄素。No designated production enterprise shall overproduce ephedrine beyond the plan in violation of state provisions.

在均衡状态下,引发负面外部效应生产的市场中,该产品将过量生产。In an equilibrium state we see that markets creating negative externalities of production will overproduce that good.

俗语讲“硬木行业永远不会碰到一个不能过度地生产的市场”在过去被一次又一次的证明。The saying"the hardwood industry never encountered a market it couldn't overproduce"had been proven time and again to be true.

另外的试验表明,正常皮肤但设计过多产生TSLP的小鼠也会发生类似哮喘症状。Additional experiments showed that mice that had normal skin but were engineered to overproduce TSLP also developed the asthma-like symptoms.

在一亚组病人单独分析中,只有那些最常见肿瘤型,过度产生Cox-2酶,看到一种效益。In a separate analysis of a subgroup of patients, only those with the most common type of tumor, those that overproduce the Cox-2 enzyme, saw a benefit.

乳腺癌患者可能含有更多的HER2基因拷贝数量,促进过度生成HER2蛋白并且发送更多的信号到乳腺细胞。Patients with breast cancer may have more copies of this HER2 gene, prompting them to overproduce HER2 protein so that more signals are sent to breast cells.

贫困的母亲,在这里指一夫多妻制中地位较低的妻子,可能生更多的女孩,因其健康状况比男孩要好。Mothers in poor condition, here lower-ranking co-wives in a polygynous marriage, may overproduce daughters because these give them greater fitness returns than sons.

百事可乐公司面对垄断产量,采取的举措是增加产量,实际上增加产量就会导致,产量逐渐接近古诺产量So Patrick's response in Pepsi is to overproduce relative to the monopoly quantity, actually overproduce even relative to the Cournot quantity and produce all the way out here.