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他们试图夸大金币的投资价值来转手They're trying to oversell.

不,我不会卖光了。No, I'm not going to oversell it.

所以,你不会卖完呢?So you're not going to oversell it?

有一种诱惑会导致过度投资There's a temptation to oversell investments.

不要过度推销自己。保持自然,独特的个人风格。Don't oversell. Be natural, develop your own style.

过分夸大科学的威力是愚蠢的。It would be foolish to oversell the powers of science.

保持注意力,不要过分吹嘘自己的能力。Stay focused and don't try to oversell your capabilities.

我们意识到,大多数推销员的特点是,要过多地销售,而从不要只推销到他们报的数额。We realized that the very nature of most salesmen is to oversell and never do quite what they say they will.

确实,在援助团体募集资金时,他们的夸大宣传有时会让人觉得轻而易举就能获得成果。And it’s true that in their struggle to raise money, aid groups sometimes oversell how easy it is to get results.

正因如此,我讨价还价的能力没有丝毫长进,所以我从不试图过分吹嘘自己。As a result of all this, my bargaining bump may be a little underdeveloped , so I've never tried to oversell myself.

大多数商家忽视诚信原则,他们热情很高,为了给负责放贷人员一个好的印象,他们就不惜大吹特吹。The majority of businesses ignore the Credibility Principle, and in their zest to make a good impression on a loan officer, they oversell.

我能说的是我不想吹捧自己在他的世界里有多么的重要,但我想表达的是人们看不到他的那一面。But the best I can say, and I don't want to oversell my significance in his world, but I want to convey this side of him that people didn't see.

当你和他们在一起的时候,不要过分吹嘘或者一味谈论工作,而是在你认为有人可能会需要你的技能时,确定你没有错失任何一个机会。When with people, don’t oversell and talk about your work all the time, but be sure never to miss an opportunity when you think that someone could need your skills.

访谈期间,小心避免吹嘘自身研究的他给人留下了思维缜密、慎重的印象。During our conversation, he comes across as a thoughtful, measured man, who is careful not to oversell his research. He is particularly wary of using the term 'suspended animation'.