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File metadata and controls

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我认为现在许多作家都爱写长篇大论。I think many writers now overwrite.

每次运行覆盖日志文件。Overwrite the log file for every run.

向导不覆盖文件。The wizard does not overwrite a file.

您只是经历了一次表单覆盖。You have just experienced a form overwrite.

甚至更容易错误地覆盖文件。It's even easier to overwrite a file by mistake.

它没有覆盖任何元级消息。It does not overwrite any cell-level information.

首先,除了要把量子位初始化为“0”,我们绝不重写它。First we never overwrite a quantum bit except to initialize it to "0".

调试会话将会向您提供导入或者覆盖中断点的选项。Debugging the session will provide the option to import or overwrite breakpoints.

如果在每个文件中都设置了变量,那么就很难全部重载这些变量。If you set the variables in every file, it becomes very hard to overwrite them all.

系统会覆盖所有冲突文件,并开始给出错程序打补丁。The system will overwrite any conflicting files and begin patching faulty programming.

使用开放类会重写这个原始类,从而导致意外行为。Using the open class will overwrite that original class, causing undesirable behavior.

此作业包含备份维护方案,不能分析。要用新的方案覆盖它吗?A job containing the maintainence plan could not be parsed. Do you want to overwrite it?

此外,插件在下一次重新生成站点时,可能会覆盖您的更改。Furthermore, the plug-in may overwrite your changes the next time it regenerates the site.

此外,一旦某人提交了一个资料,没有人可以用一个伪造品来替代它。Furthermore, once someone puts up material, no one can overwrite it with a bogus replacement.

如果本变量设为真,则从配置文件中读取出来的变量将会互相覆盖,否则,变量将会去堆压到一个数组中。If set to TRUE, the default then variables read in from config files will overwrite each other.

目前还缺少胜利条件检查,玩家可以覆盖位置,而且没有轮流检查。There is no victory condition check, players can overwrite positions, and there is no turn check.

“覆盖未签出的可写文件”以允许系统覆盖现有文件。Overwrite writable files that are not checked out to allow the system to overwrite existing files.

为了实现这一点,所有你需要做的是按照需求重写默认样式和添加样式。To accomplish this, all you’ll need to do is overwrite and add to the default styles as necessary.

请问我不能直接在面上直接施加位移约束或载荷吗,为什么,应该怎样施加呢,谢谢!As solid loads are transferred to the nodes or elements, they can overwrite directly applied lodes.

当事件记录档已满时,它会停止记录新的事件资讯或开始覆写较早的项目。When an event log is full, it stops recording new event information or begins to overwrite earlier entries.