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令我激动与心跳。So excited and palpitate.

我感到心在怦怦跳。I felt my heart palpitate.

过去多日了仍然为此心跳。To still be palpitate after all of days.

一想到飞行我就心情紧张。The thought of flying makes me palpitate.

醉酒后头晕心慌怎么处理呢?How is giddy palpitate handled after drunk wine?

由于他非常兴奋,他心里开始扑腾越来越多的不稳定。As he became excited, his heart began to palpitate more and more erratically.

拥抱着他,我们不分离,温暖的感觉在我们悸动的心间。Embrace each other him, We don't separate, Warm felling at we palpitate of heart.

姑娘们的爱情既然没有了希望,卧室里的气氛也就变得烦躁不安起来。The air of the sleeping-chamber seemed to palpitate with the hopeless passion of the girls.

睡觉的空气室似乎心跳的激情与绝望的两个歌手。The air of the sleeping-chamber seemed to palpitate with the hopeless passion of the two of singers.

周末被乒乒乓乓的敲打声惊醒,心脏突突跳得厉害,不得已强睁开惺忪的睡眼。Tap the beat-up by the weekend, the heart palpitate looked up , the last strong open our bleary eyes.

做血常规时恶心、头晕、心慌是什么病?该怎么治?。What disease is disgusting, giddy, palpitate when the convention that become blood? How should treat?

延绵的秋雨一悸又一悸,下个没完没了,今年秋季的雨水比往年多了许多。Long stretches of the palpitate after throbbing, next endless, the fall of rain more than they had ever.

电影也是如此,男女一起,怦然心动,一瞬间爱情的火花被点燃。The film is like this too, men and women palpitate with excitement together, the spark of the love is lighted in a flash.

从文字当中你看到自己的忧伤,看到自己的伤口与挣扎,矛盾与悸动。The is in the middle you see from the writing oneself of sadness, see oneself of wound and flounder, antinomy and palpitate.

生气时心跳加快,出现心慌、胸闷的异常表现,甚至诱发心绞痛或心肌梗塞。Furious when the heartbeat is accelerated the unusual display with occurrence palpitate frowsty bosom cause angina pectoris or miocardial infarction even.

其患者多伴有上腹部胀满,胸胁苦满,脐部动悸亢进,便秘等症。Its patient much companion has epigastrium to bilge full, pectoral coerce suffering is full, umbilical ministry moves palpitate hyperfunction, the disease such as constipation.

2008年北京奥运物流的需求量达400多亿,国内物流企业及部分外国大牌物流企业都争相“渗透”。As the demand of 2008 Olympic logistics is up to more than 40 billion Yuan, all logistics enterprises will palpitate with excitement, and so will some foreign big logistic enterprises.

大业的表情语气都让小风心慌,她认识到大业想要分开本人,这让她觉得难过,为了挽回,她恳求大业容许和本人约会。Great cause expressions have small wind palpitate tone, she realized greatundertaking want to separate himself, it made her feel sad, to save, begged greatundertaking allow and I date.

它们在写出那段令人愤懑的历史,以及词人们悸动不安的灵魂的同时,更以多种多样的表现方式,实现了时世背景与词之美感特质的完美融合。Their works not only expressed the depressed and discontented history and the palpitate unstable soul of ci poets, but reached the perfect fusion of current affairs and the aesthetic specialty of ci.