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她的叔叔是一名劳动模范。Her uncle is a labor paragon.

孔子就是五岳独尊的泰山吗?。Is Confucius the paragon of Mount Tai?

新华座落在乌节路百利宫5楼。Sin Hua Gallery, located at the Level 5 of Paragon.

这位教授堪称为人师表。The professor is. a paragon of virtue and learning.

企业家毫无疑问是自立的典范。Enter that paragon of self-reliance, the entrepreneur.

山洞里来了天使啦,要不然,也是世间少有的美少女。There is an angel in the cave, or if not, an earthly paragon.

但是,由我看来,这尘垢的精华又算得什么?The paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?

在2006年和2008年,学院喜剧派的模范乔*斯图尔特主持了奥斯卡开奖礼。Back in 2006 and 2008, it tapped Jon Stewart, a paragon of campus comedy, to host the show.

宇宙之华,万物之灵,但对于我,这尘土的精华又算得了什么?The beauty of the world, the paragon of animals and yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?

“你这个经典的美人,”邪恶的女人说,“一切都进展的如我所希望的,”然后她就很快的离开了。"You paragon of beauty," said the wicked woman, "all has just happened as I expected," and then she went away quickly.

过去几个月里,我一直被说成比卑鄙小人还不如,现在却被奉为真善美的典范。After months of being told I was lower than a snake’s belly, I was now being held up as a paragon of all things good and true.

典范虚拟化管理是一个强大的工具,帮助用户轻松地移植他们的系统和虚拟环境的数据。Paragon Virtualisation Manager is a powerful tool to help users easily migrate their system and data to a virtual environment.

曾经的塞伯坦充满生机,在银河一隅,它是科研与发展的典范。Once Cybertron had been teeming with life, the paragon of scientific research and development in its particular corner of the galaxy.

如今,我们似乎已经超越了过去那种把病态地自我关注说成是完美典范的强迫症文化。Today we appear to have excelled the hypochondriac cultures of the past by elevating the morbidly self-involved to the level of paragon.

虽然我们还没有彻底地对它进行测试,但是Paragon承诺有更多丰富多彩的特性,和低的不能不能再低的价格,不过只在今天有效。We haven't tested it thoroughly, but Paragon promises an impressive feature set, and—for today at least—you can't really beat the price.

教授从事教学工作,被评为学校教育先进、师德先进,受到广大师生的一致好评。During his teaching work, Professor Liu was selected as a paragon of teaching and virtue, and was well received by the CUPL teachers and students.

“罗西在世界摩托竞技领域内是公认典范,我们公司的产品代表着“意大利制造”产品的行业标准,二者可以说是珠联璧合。He is a paragon of excellence in the world of motorcycling, coherent with our Italian company which is a standard bearer for ‘made in Italy’ excellence.

Paragon的官员称,未来对于“月球绿洲”的测试将取决于奥德赛公司的飞行时间表,最早也要等到2012年。Paragon officials say future testing of the "Lunar Oasis" will be driven by Odyssey's flight schedule, which will not happen until 2012 at the earliest.

儒家教育思想包含诸多的方面,其中如以人为本、有教无类、身教示范等观点在当代社会仍有巨大的借鉴价值和启示意义。Many thoughts still have enormous values nowadays, such as "people-oriented "and"Teaching without Discrimination"and "Teacher Being a Paragon"and so forth.

如果有典范之道要求特定职业,你必需以那职业作为本职或者选取了那职业的兼职专长。If a paragon path has a specific class as a prerequisite, you must either be a member of that class or have selected a multiclass feat for the indicated class.