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参加人名称和地址。Name and address of participant.

一个t恤设计一个男孩道参与者。Tao T-shirt designed a boy participant.

他是作者,但非参与者。He is the author, but not the participant.

贾尔斯是在他自己的方案参与者。Giles is a participant in his own scenario.

他并未参与自己写下的对话。He is not a participant in his own dialogue.

每个选手将收到号码牌。Numbers will be assigned to each participant.

各参加者均获赠大会纪念帽乙份。Every participant will be given a cap as souvenir.

我让另一名参与者想象一次坐飞机的经历。I asked another participant to imagine a plane ride.

我还参加“有计划的生育”。and I also am a participant with Planned Parenthood.

每一个组员都参与在烹调食物中。Every participant of the group is engaged in cooking.

创建、检索、禁用或删除参与者。Create, retrieve, deactivate, or remove a participant.

以下合奏参赛者资料只供二重奏参赛者填写。Below Secondo Items Are For Duet Entry Participant Only.

然后每个人都会被要求断定这张脸的“可爱程度”。Each participant was asked to rate the face's "likeability".

起诉书指控钟东凡是一名自愿的参与者。The indictment charges that Chung was a willing participant.

就像一个观察员,而不再是参与者了,是的。It’s like an observer, and not the participant any more, yes.

其次,编制参与型体育消费者忠诚度量表。Secondly, establish a Participant Sport Consumer Loyalty Scale.

在零钱罐的例子里,你要求每个参与者给出一个数字。In the penny jar example, you ask each participant for a number.

如果你有时间-请答复另外一个参与者的评论。If you have time – please answer a comment of another participant.

三月是一个在全国鲸鱼退纠缠网络参与者。MAR is a participant in the national whale disentanglement network.

研究对象电视性斜颈儿童30例,正常儿童30例。Participant 30 children with TV torticollis and 30 normal children.