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这意大利面太油了。This pasta is too greasy.

学会怎么做好吃的意大利面豆浓汤。How to make good Pasta Fazul.

与意大利面和红肉配食极佳。Ideal for pasta and red meat.

将牛柳条盛起,可伴饭或意粉同吃。Serve hot with pasta or rice.

有时我们用这些粉放在汤里面。Sometimes we put pasta in soup.

又干嘛不能用炒菜锅来做意大利面呢?And why not make pasta in a wok?

我们做点通心面当午餐吧。Let's prepare some pasta for lunch.

学着做饭,或者至少应会煮面。Learn to cook or at least boil pasta.

煮面到底要放多少水?。How Much Water Does Pasta Really Need?

于是我买了很贵的意大利面和肉酱,看上去非常美味。I bought expensive pasta and sauce etc.

晚餐您喜欢鸡肉还是意大利面?Do you want chicken or pasta for dinner?

面皮,鸡肉,蘑菇,芝士。Pasta tubes, chicken, mushroom, ricotta.

转变去食用全麦制作的粗麦粉和通心粉。Switch to whole-wheat couscous and pasta

额,它看起来还是普通面条。"Hmmm, it still looks like plain pasta".

是色拉,肉食,意面和比萨饼的理想配酒。Ideal with salads, meat, pasta and pizza.

肋状通心粉是一种由管状义大利面所组成。Rigatoni is a form of tube -shaped pasta.

把面团擀开,擀得越薄越好。Roll the pasta out as thinly as possible.

与海鲜、鸡肉及意面搭配十分鲜美。Ideally suited to seafood, chicken, pasta.

搭配羊肉、鸭肉或味浓的意面美味可口。Serve with lamb, duck or rich pasta dishes.

他们正在购买更多的花生酱和面食。They're buying more peanut butter and pasta.