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这跟父权文化对女人的一贯看法并没有很大差别。That's not very different from what patriarchy always says about women.

接着便是中东,在这里传统的父系社会仍然占据着统治地位。Then there is the Middle East, where traditional patriarchy still holds sway.

销毁它!武器是父权制的工具,必须立刻摧毁!Destroy it. Weapons are tools of the patriarchy which must be abolished IMMEDIATELY!

在红安、浠水两地农村地区,父权制兼具了稳定性和变易性。It is indicated that the patriarchy in these area has both the stability and mobility.

她以性格、经济、爱情和婚姻上的独立对抗着父权制。She resists the Patriarchy by her independence in character, economy, love and marriage.

就是对女性的性格分析,激活了男性统治。It is precisely this characterization of women that has enabled and engendered patriarchy.

我关心的是女人的能力,她们的能力在父权制社会中已经被严重的削弱了。I'm concerned with women's capacities, which have been infinitelydiminished under patriarchy.

在一个男权的社会形态下,被狙击的总是美丽的天使,翅膀的意义在于美丽与天真?In such a patriarchy society, the beautiful angels is always the taget. What is the meaning of them?

在母系社会的人必须有不同的概念,女性比在父权制社会。In a matriarchy society people must have different conceptions of woman than in a patriarchy society.

就连父权意味颇浓的封禅,其实最早也应是祭祀女神的。Even the conferment of dhyana which implies patriarchy originates from offering sacrifices to goddess.

她的头脑中,出现了与旧父权制概念截然不同新的同居式婚姻的理想。She had in mind a new, companionate ideal of marriage that contrasted with older notions of patriarchy.

中国是儒家社会,是自上而下的家长制度与自下而上的社会流动性匪夷所思的结合体。China is a Confucian society, a quixotic combination of top-down patriarchy and bottom-up social mobility.

还是说他看起来强大是因为,他的作品中充满了男权主义和性别偏见?Does Milton only seem powerful because he's the very literary embodiment of patriarchy and masculine bias?

在实际生活中,男尊女卑、男权至上的意识仍占伊斯兰教妇女观的主导地位。In real life, the consciousness of patriarchy still plays a dominant part in the conception of Islamic feminity.

传统的美籍蒙古人家庭是一种父系家长制,家族中年龄最大的男性是家族的首长。The traditional Mongolian American household is a patriarchy in which the head of the household is the eldest male.

父权制是女性主义研究中的一个核心概念,它包含有多种不同的意义。Patriarchy is a seminal concept in feminist studies and has different implications depending on culture and ethnicity.

论文探讨了传统父权社会和主人公自己的单恋对于阿米莉亚和李蒙性别越界的压抑。This thesis probes into the repression of Amelia and Lymon's gender transgression from patriarchy and unrequited love.

阴柔美的形成不仅和父权制文化、道家文化有着紧密的关系,而且更和女性的性意识有着更为内在的关系。The forming of feminine beauty is not only related to the culture of patriarchy and Taoism, but also sex consciousness.

北美西部的印第安人已发展为父权制组成的氏族,东部还停留在母权制的氏族社会。North American west indians had developed into patriarchy composed of clan, it still stays in the eastern matriarchy clan society.

对母系制与父权制的解释,关系到我们对整个历史的解释以及对人类未来的期望。The interpretation of matriarchy and patriarchy is pertinent to our interpretation of history and to the prospect of human future.