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铺路石被中午的太阳晒得滚烫。The paving stones burned in the noon sun.

杂草从铺石路面的缝隙中长出来。Weeds grew through the cracks in the paving.

板石用作铺路材料的扁平的石块。A flat slab of stone used as a paving material.

他们封锁了一条车道在铺路。One lane is closed while they're paving the road.

我们正在用石板铺我们的花园小径。We are paving our garden path with slabs of stone.

青石,蓝砂岩一种蓝灰色的沙岩,用于。A bluish-gray sandstone used for paving and building.

城市的无节制扩张侵占了东部的良田。Urban sprawl is paving over fertile land in the East.

铺路工夯实铺路石和松土。The paviours beetled the paving stones and loose earth.

本发明公开了一种木龙骨铺装方法。The invention discloses a method for paving a wooden keel.

介绍了一种提高道路沥青针入度比的改进剂。A paving asphalt penetration ratio improver was introduced.

他就是先驱,为我们其他人指了一条阳关大道。He’s really a trailblazer paving the way for the rest of us.

他正在用各种形状的扁平石子铺筑花园小径。He is paving the garden path with flat stones of various shapes.

对硫酸钙晶须在道路改性沥青中的应用进行了系统研究。The application research of CSW in paving asphalt was carried on.

好莱坞决定把这个结尾也改了,为接下来的三部续集做铺垫。Hollywood decided to change that, too, paving the way for three sequels.

第二天我从一家小筑路公司觅得一份活,开卸料卡车。The next day I got a job driving a dump truck for a small paving company.

碎石和柏油混合起来压成薄层做路面铺成的路。Mixed asphalt and crushed stone gravel or sand, used for paving or roofing.

在我垫起脚尖转身的一瞬间,仿佛脚踏云彩,舞动彩色腰带!Paving the toes turned in my moment, as if the foot cloud, color dance belt!

写这部分内容是为了交代感想从何而来,并为后文的议论作好铺垫。Write this part is to explain feeling come from, and for the talk after paving.

有些铺路石砖甚至刻上了有秀丽的中国书法汉字。Some of the paving stones have even been carved with beautiful Chinese patterns.

坚强的性格和小程等也将成为他成功的铺路石。The strong character and leijiacha etc will also be he a paving stone to success.