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发工资那天我总是要出去吃一顿。I always eat out on my payday.

赚钱快的项目发薪。Make Money Fast With Project Payday.

今天应该是发薪水的日子。Today, it was supposed to be payday.

你可以届五十元给我直到发新日吗?Can you lend me fifty dollars until payday?

我的钱刚好够维持到发薪日。I've just enough money to last me till payday.

发薪日如果碰上国定假日该怎么办?What happens if payday falls on a bank holiday.

借给我50元钱,发工资那天我就还你。Spare me 50 yuan and I will return the money on payday.

如果你想辞职,最好等发完工资再辞。If you want to quit, you'd better do it after the payday.

有许多情况,在生活中,当你不能再等了你的垫款。There are many situations in life, when you cannot wait up to your payday.

最后,许多人习惯性地用发薪日贷款来付款。Finally, many people end up habitually using payday loans much to their detriment.

由于工厂老板赶在发薪日之前跑路,导致劳工争议倍增。Labor disputes have multiplied as bankrupt factory bosses skip town before payday.

油箱的油不多了,但还有将近两周才会发薪水。Well the gas tank was nearing empty and we still had almost two weeks to go until payday.

但是如果不网上支付,那就在发薪后马上支付这些费用。Make them automatic if possible, but if not go online and pay them right away each payday.

不要对这项交易抱有太多的想法——每个发薪日都这样做就对了。Don’t even think about this transaction — just make sure it happens, each and every payday.

对这些人来说,罚则贷款可快速而容易的,但它们也是昂贵的认真。For these people , payday loans may be quick and easy, but they are also seriously expensive.

只要你作出了一定数额的钱,每月的,你可以有资格获得垫款。As long as you are making a certain amount of money monthly, you can qualify for a payday loan.

杰夫格林很可能归队,但是我们对于的价值却是估计的太高了。Jeff Green's more likely to return, but he's also set to earn a payday way above his actual value.

这些人用发薪日贷款来处理那些不算真正意义上的财政紧急情况。These individuals end up using payday loans for situations that are not true financial emergencies.

没有稳定的薪水做依靠,你会担心每个机会都是最后的发薪日。Without the cushion of a steady paycheck, you fear that every opportunity will be your last payday.

当遇到不可预见费,没有传真垫款贷款,是一种快速的财路同一天。When faced with unforeseen expenses, no fax payday loan is a quick way of getting money the same day.