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平时还喜欢收藏艺术品、字画。Crafts collection also like to peacetime.

不能以和平时期的心态参战。It cannot be at war with a peacetime mind-set.

平时应酬还是少喝点酒!Peacetime dinner party or not to drink too much wine!

最大的变化时从和平时期进入动乱。The biggest change was from peacetime to mobilization.

在和平年代你被他们掠夺,在战争年代你被敌人掠夺。In peacetime you areplundered by them, in war by your enemies.

这些都是未知水域,在和平时期完全没有先例。These are uncharted waters, quite without precedent in peacetime.

秘书们和身穿制服的听差们步履轻徐,一如太平年月。Secretaries and uniformed orderlies moved softly at a peacetime pace.

战时与和平时期的生活有着根本上的不相容性。There's a radical incompatibility between wartime and peacetime existence.

用于埋单的负债增长比和平时期任何一届政府都多。Paid for by the biggest increase in debt by any peacetime government, " he said.

工厂停止生产军工产品,改为生产和平时期的民用产品。Factories stopped producing war materials and began to produce goods for peacetime.

他建立了美国的首个和平时代联盟,先是在西欧,后来在亚洲。He built America's first peacetime alliances, starting in Western Europe, then in Asia.

在使用上,平时PTU会按连队指挥在街上巡逻,一般是4人一组。In the use of peacetime PTU company will command the streets, most people are a group of 4.

2000年的人口普查被称作是美国历史上规模最大的和平时期总动员。The 2000 census is said to have been the largest peacetime mobilisation in American history.

撞击伤是平时意外事故,特别是交通事故中的常见伤类。Impact injury is a common injury in the peacetime. It occurs especially in traffic accidents.

平时使用过程中,采用柔软的毛巾或棉纱抹掉表面上的灰尘即可。Peacetime use of the process, the use of soft towels or cotton yarn erase surface dust could.

人们呼吁成立一支国防部队来负责和平时期的反颠覆工作。Ex. 1 It called for creation of a defense corps to take charge of anti-subversion in peacetime.

在一些女性体内会有一种念珠菌寄生,平时并没有任何不适。In some female body can have a kind of candida parasitic, peacetime doesn't have any discomfort.

所以,冷战时期的武器技术转用于和平时期,我们不必大惊小怪。So it should be no surprise that Cold War weapons technology can be repurposed for peacetime use.

第三,我将会一直留在我的父母,因为我没有更多的时间来陪他们在和平时期。The third, I will stay with my parents, because I have no more time to stay with them at peacetime.

在高等学校的成绩管理系统中,平时成绩录入的设计一直是个难点。In grade management system of university , design of peacetime grade input is difficulty at all time.