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她生活中的一切都非常棒。Everything in her life is just peachy.

大多数在西方的中国人远没有这样过的舒适。The lot of a Chinese expatriate in the West is less peachy.

如果他的机器能够运转正常,一切都会很美好。If his machine worked right, everything would have been peachy.

脸部其他地方不要多加修饰,用点粉色腮红和肉色唇膏就行。Keep the rest of the look natural with a sweep of peachy blusher and nude lips.

这种毛茸茸的杏黄色胸羽马上让人想到了哀鸠。The fluffy, peachy -beige breast feather immediately suggested a mourning dove.

粉色,也就是桃色,这样一个暧昧的词汇,显得刺激和鲜活。Pink, namely peachy , a such ambiguous vocabularies, appear stimulate and fresh.

清香的桃子派,带着一点点酸甜,是结束晚餐的最后一道。再好不过了!It is little peachy , tangy and right amount sweet touch is perfect to end the dinner.

作为父母,我们假装无论何时何事都是圆圆满满、令人羡慕,到底想得到什么?What do we as parents gain trying to pretend that everything is wonderful and peachy all the time?

如果有人认为美国中断了中东所谓的稳定,在这之前中东地区曾一片歌舞升平,这简直是无稽之谈。It is sheer fantasy to assume that the Middle East was just peachy before America disrupted its alleged stability.

我估计,你在外面也找不到一份很好的工作,因此,你要么体面地做好这份工作,要么做一个脾气暴躁的讨厌鬼。As I can't see you landing a peachy job outside, you can either stick it out gracefully or become a grumpy nuisance.

但是,无论如何,最终我们还是要接受这个事实,童话故事中的王子并不存在,美丽清纯的公主也不存在。But, as we eventually accept, sort of, the fairy-tale prince doesn't exist, and nor does the peachy , virginal princess.

大胆,丰富,甜甜的桃子带着香草橡木味充满了味蕾。This wine is bold and rich, featuring mouth-filling flavours of peachy fruit sweetness, intermingling with toasty vanillin oak.

低调的象牙色粉底,低调的浅桃色胭脂和同样低调的淡粉唇膏,眼影则是棕粉色与琥珀色涂满整个眼窝。By low-key ivory lubricious pink, low-key shallow peachy rouge and likewise low-key weak pink lipstick, eye shadow is palm pink and amber Tu Man whole eye socket.

但如果你去看重量增加很多的提升人类的皮肤或眼睛,你只会看到振动的能量和桃红色粉嫩的皮肤基调。And yet if you were to look at the skin and into the eyes of ascending humans gaining such weight, one would see only vibrant energy and a peachy to blushed skin tone.