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猎狐是英国特有的运动。Hunting foxes is a peculiarly English sport.

无神论是这样一个独有的现代现象。Atheism is thus a peculiarly modern phenomenon.

这一特征特别地激怒了它的某些敌人。This feature peculiarly enrages some of its enemies.

这似乎是对于我所干的那桩事情特别相宜的态度。It seemed the peculiarly appropriate attitude for the business I was in.

人们往往会评论说,中华民族,是极其知礼的民族。The Chinese are, it has often been remarked, a peculiarly polite people.

但是极其有趣的是,反向的转向也是可能的。But the peculiarly interesting fact is that re-transference is also possible.

没有特别专属于西方或东方的移动电话或金融衍生品。There are no peculiarly Western or Eastern mobile phones or financial derivatives.

在他这次怪异的抢劫之前,59岁的万隆给加斯顿公报写了封信。Before his peculiarly modest robbery, Verone, 59, sent a letter to the Gaston Gazette.

当你和海伦在欧洲到处游逛,挥金如土时,我们是在勉强过日子。Please seize the man. He has been hanging around my store all day and acting peculiarly.

索洛佐坐在餐桌的对面,他那乌黑的脸上露出了一副像劫掠成性的秃鹫的凶相。Sollozzo sat across the kitchen table from him. His dark face had a peculiarly vulturine look.

联邦最高法院有否遇到像安娜•妮科尔•史密斯的经历那样富有美国特色的案情?Has the Supreme court ever heard such a peculiarly American story as that of Anna Nicole Smith?

当前的欧洲危机开始于希腊,尤其贴切。THERE’S SOMETHING peculiarly apt about the fact that the current European crisis began in Greece.

性格内向,气质独特坚强,个性爽直泼辣。Introverted nature, peculiarly firm disposition, frank and vigorous individuality, are what you possess.

当然,他们是一类特别乏味的浪漫主义者,念的全是华而不实的散文,却没有诗章。They are, to be sure, a peculiarly boring breed of romantic, speaking in turgid prose rather than poetry.

而他们偏好的身份证明,是美籍犹太人非常不适应的。And the type of proof that the rabbinate prefers is peculiarly unsuited to Jewish life in the United States.

随着时光的消逝,某种亲密的关系把这个敲钟人和这座教堂联结在一起。In the course of time there had been formed a certain peculiarly intimate bond which united the ringer to the church.

裙带关系和暗中交易是全世界政坛的组成部分,但“指定拨款”制度完全是美国式的。Influence-peddling and deal-making are part of politics the world over but the earmarks system is peculiarly American.

假如说,我那特别孤立的社会环境阻止了我进入人世生活的中心,这是不正确的。It is not true that my peculiarly isolated social condition was the bar to my plunging into the midst of the world-life.

原来经济学家都是特别有趣的一群人,至少娜萨女士在书里写的那些天才们都特别有趣。It turns out that economists—or at least the handful of geniuses that Ms Nasar discusses—are a peculiarly interesting bunch.

子爵,请把这件事讲给我们听吧安娜·帕夫洛夫娜说道,高兴地感到像路易十五的腔调。Tell us about that, vicomte, said Anna Pavlovna gleefully, feeling that the phrase had a peculiarly Louis Quinze note about it.