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十六岁时,他到了北平。When sixteen, he came to Peiping.

逃往北平路上,二人结识了马小宛。Fled to peiping road, two men met horse small wan.

它的第一次全国代表大会,于一九四九年四月在北平召开。Its First National Congress was held in Peiping in April 1949.

生活变得极端困苦,他常常产生跑回北平去的念头。Life was so terrible that he often thought to run back to Peiping.

就是当年的京师北京,也非工业城市。Even Peiping , the center of the empire, was not an industrial city.

北平的十六所市立中学和二百三十四所小学也相继响应。Sixteen municipal high schools and 234 primary schools in Peiping followed suit.

无论在北平,还是在上海,所到之处,他都是最有影响力的公众人物。In Peiping or in Shanghai he is the most effective public citizen wherever he is found.

我不能爱上海与天津,因为我心中有个北平,可是我说不出来!I can't love Shanghai or Tianjin, for I have Peiping in my mind, though I can't tell the love!

裴家往北平的学校给裴文棣寄了信却被打回来,梅玉娟听说后晕倒了。Pei home to Peiping school sent PeiWenDi letter was to play back, MeiYuJuan heard after fainted.

论说巴黎的布置已比伦敦罗马匀调得多了,可是比上北平还差点事儿。Though Paris has a better layout than London or Rome, it nevertheless cannot compare with Peiping.

好学的,爱古物的,人们自然喜欢北平,因为这里书多古物多。Those who are studious or archeological like Peiping because there are many old books and antiques.

有时候这个人唱起京戏来,勾起李思念在北方的家而悲哭。Sometimes the man sang songs from Peiping operas and Li cried as he thought of his home in the north.

可是,后来中共在北平也用了同样不恰当的手段来对美国新闻处进行威胁。Later, however, the Communists in Peiping practiced just as bad measures of intimidation against USIS.

李宗仁将军被抬得高高的,当上了有名无实的委员长北平行辕主任。General Li Tsung-jen was kicked upstairs and made titular head of the generalissimo's bureau in Peiping.

新月看着张启山的背影,她决定留在长沙等着他,不回北平避难。New moon watching Zhang Qishan back, waiting for him, she decided to stay in changsha dont back to Peiping.

论说巴黎的布置已比伦敦罗马匀调得多了,可是比上北平还差点事儿。The layout of Paris is much more balanced than that of London and Rome, but not as good as that of Peiping.

假如这次他能够同我一起重回北平的话,他会看到这个城市在外表上没有多大变化。Had he been able to come back with me now, he would have found Peiping in outward appearance littleo changed.

国民党完全控制了上海、北平、重庆、汉口、广州等大城市的报刊。The Kuomintang controlled all of the press in Shanghai, Peiping , Chungking, Hankow, Canton and other large cities.

加藤特意将旧部太田隆从北平宪兵队调来天津,协助中村维持大和公园的治安。Kato designed TianLong from Peiping XianBingDui kibaki too shophach tianjin, assist nakamura maintain and park order.

以此类推,我所知道的那点只是“我的北平”,而我的北平大概等于牛的一毛。It follows that, in contrast with Peiping in its entirety, what little I know about it is probably a mere drop in the ocean.