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澎湖漂亮吗?澎湖是天堂。Is Penghu pretty?It is paradise.

三月二十五日,澎湖群岛海边沙滩一角堆著一些垃圾。Garbage is seen at a Penghu beach on March 25.

请不要牺牲美丽澎湖,使它成为赌场土石流!Please don't sacrifice beautiful Penghu become a CASINO landslide!

你知道地址?我也想知道纹身师在澎湖。Do you know the address? I also want to know about tattooists in Penghu.

岂不正如自台北到高雄,命其须在澎湖中转?This makes as little sense as transiting Penghu to fly from Taipei to Kaohsiung.

复兴航空公司一架航班在台湾澎湖县的一个村庄附近迫降。TransAsia Airways flight has crash-landed near a village in Taiwan's Penghu county.

是澎湖元宵节的强档好戏,广受一般民众的喜爱。It is quite popular for Penghu people to play Lantern Riddles Games in the Lantern Festival.

但此一配额限制并不适用于离岛如金门和澎湖。This quota restriction, however, will not apply to outlying islands such as Kinmen and Penghu.

澎湖县国小高年级学生整体而言普遍重视价值观。Generally speaking, the senior elementary students in PengHu county esteemed the shared values.

澎湖若开放赌博,王建煊说这会是灾难的开始,你觉得会带来灾难吗?Wang Jian-hsuan of the Control Yuan said that gambling in Penghu will bring disaster. Do you agree?

本研究系以深度访谈法为主,并以问卷调查辅助,针对澎湖县之合法旅馆及民宿业者作调查。The research adopted in-depth interviews, supplemented by the questionnaire, and the survey was conducted in Penghu.

澎湖县国小教师对新移民子女的自我教学效能显著高于基隆市教师。Elementary school teachers in Penghu have significant higher self-efficiency than elementary school teachers in Keelung.

从小到大,让我印象最深刻的一件事,是在我九岁那一年,爸爸、妈妈带着我和五岁的弟弟去澎湖玩。A very influential thing in my life happened to me when I was nine. My parents took my five years old brother and me to Penghu.

澎湖县国小高年级学生在各项态度趋向积极正向,且以对学校态度最佳。The senior elementary students in PengHu county were inclined to hold positive attitudes toward various aspects, esp. to schools.

不希望儿子失去对上学的兴趣,父亲带著陆钧远离台北来到澎湖离岛,上课游泳钓鱼。Unwilling to see his son lose his interest in school, Lu Jun's father took the boy to the Penghu islands to study, swim and fish.

澎湖县与基隆市国民小学教师对新移民子女的教学信念与教学效能皆较高。Elementary school teachers in Penghu and Keelung have high teachers' beliefs and teaching efficiency for the immigrant brides' children.

2010年1月澎湖的一次军事演习期间,陆军士兵向台湾国防部长高华柱展示防空武器。Army soldiers demonstrate antiaircraft weaponry to Taiwan's Defense Minister Kao Huachu during a military exercise in Penghu in January 2010.

所提文澎湖海洋牧场游客体验品质,体验情绪,体验价值对其忠诚之影响。The Effects of Experiential Quality, Experiential Emotion, Experiential Value toward Loyalty―A Case Study of Marine Ranching Visitors in Penghu.

中国澎湖群岛主要由玄武岩构成,岛上有各式各样独特的地质、地貌景观。Penghu Islands, mainly composed of basalts, enjoy well-developed columnar joints that create many dramatic geological and landscape types of scenery.

双方还同意给予绿灯谁愿意单独旅行到金门,马祖和澎湖台湾的岛屿福建居民。The two sides also agreed to give the green light to Fujian residents who wish to individually travel to Taiwan's islands of Kinmen, Matsu and Penghu.