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他那辛辣的文笔是麻辣味的。His spice blend is a peppery one.

来了一个火辣辣的舌吻。Come to one peppery tongue to kiss.

长得太漂亮当不了工程师或监狱看守?Too peppery to be one engineer or prison guard?

这种调味品给菜肴添加一种麻辣的味道。The spice imparts an hot and peppery flavor to the dish.

田宏的目光之中露出了热切之色。Farmland great vision in peep out peppery slice of color.

他们也以痘疮而闻名,胡椒的和味道味道。They are also famous for pocked , peppery and savor taste.

你喜欢什么汤,酸辣汤还是四宝汤?Which do you prefer, sour peppery soup or four-jewel soup?

四川菜的特点是麻、辣、酸。最有名的菜有“鱼香肉丝”、“麻婆豆腐”等。Shredded pork with chilli sauce" and " peppery hot bean curd" etc.

那萝卜又老,又粗,又辣,竟把她的眼泪也辣了出来。The radish was old and coarse and so peppery that tears started in her eyes.

他在面条里面加了辣酱,因为他感觉面条不够辣。He flavored his noodle with chili sauce, for he felt it was not peppery enough.

本品麻辣浓郁、汤亮鲜美、飘香独特、是家庭、宴宾、赠友之佳品。It has a peppery and hot flavor. The soup is delicious and thick and smells quite good.

这主意不错,可是这菜很辣吗?我的意思是说放了辣椒,胡椒之类。我们不太习惯太辣的食物。That's a good idea, but is it very hot, I mean spicy?We're not used to very peppery food.

为了要增加她们微薄的收入,她每天去给马奇姑姑,一个暴躁的老太太朗读。To ADD to their slender income, she went every day to read to Aunt March, a peppery old lady.

徐曼把饭放在微波炉里热好,轻轻敲门招呼七宝。Xu Man puts rice peppery good in the microwave oven, easily beat on door to receive 7 treasures.

澳洲史瑞兹,这是一种含有少量成熟黑莓和麻辣口味的浓郁葡萄酒。This Australian Shiraz is a full bodied wine with a hint of ripe blackberry and peppery flavours.

辣味的芝麻菜,红色的叶,嫩水菜丽,他们一碰到我的触摸就屈服了,像一声叹息。The peppery arugula, the red leaf, the baby mizuna, they yielded at once to my touch, like a sigh.

如果你喜欢红肉和葡萄酒,或就喜欢品尝辛味浓郁的葡萄酒,它将非常适合你。If you love red meat and wine, or just like full bodied peppery wines, this is the perfect wine for you.

都市王占据正西方沃焦石下的大热恼大地狱。The metropolis king occupies a just western fertile burnt stone under of big peppery angered earth jail.

果味四溢,中度至厚身的酒体,余味有胡椒的辛辣味充满口腔。More savoury than fruity, the wine has a medium to full- bodied palate, with a mouth-filling peppery finish.

凉粉与调味分开,外加一碟芝麻酱,买主可根据自己口味调合,其味麻辣。Shame and condiments separately, plus a dish of beans , the buyer may own tastes blending its peppery taste.