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中等量心包积液。Moderate amount of pericardial effusion is noted.

心包积液指心包积存了心包液。Pericardial effusion is a collection of fluid in the pericardium.

心包积液也能由感染引起,所积液体为脓液,但很罕见。Rarely pericardial effusion can be caused by infection and consist of pus.

有少量胸腔积液,没有心包收缩的证据。There was a small pleural effusion and no evidence of pericardial constriction.

全组无纵隔感染及急性心包填塞并发症。No complications of mediastinal infection or acute pericardial tamponade were found.

补入大的牛心包片模拟室壁瘤。Suture a large bovine pericardial patch to simulate acute left ventricular aneurysm.

在心包腔里没有炎症仅有出血,称作心包积血。Without inflammation, blood in the pericardial sac would be called "hemopericardium".

方法本文报告经手术与病理证实的心包囊肿38例。Methods 38 cases with pericardial cyst confirmed by operation and pathology were reported.

心脏超音波显示心脏旁有一水泡状囊肿且压迫右心室。Echocardiography showed a pericardial cystic mass with external compression of the right ventricle.

在各种风湿性疾病中,心包的炎性改变是最常见的心脏改变。Inflammatory pericardial involvement is the most common cardiac manifestation in various forms of RD.

目的探讨因心包填塞死亡的临床与病理特征。Objective To investigate clinical and pathological feature of death cases due to pericardial tamponade.

他现在把心包膜给移处了。医生把呼吸肌抬起然后将肝脏移出。He now is removing the pericardial sac and reflecting the diaphragm in order to free up the liver for removal.

期病例可有心包渗液引起的心影扩大及软组织影和肋骨破坏等。Advanced cases of pericardial effusion may have caused the heart to expand and impact of soft tissue and bone damage.

结论B超检查对心包积液的诊断、指导穿刺和选择治疗方法等有重要价值。Conclusion B-Us is of great value in the diagnosis, pericardiocentesis and choice of treatment of pericardial effusion.

病理检查显示如同肺结核感染后所呈现的乳酪状坏死。Pathologic examination of the excised pericardial specimen showed caseous necrosis compatible with tuberculosis infection.

既往对此运用各种治疗如转肌办,心包固定以及充填术。Historically, a variety of treatments, such as muscle-flap transposition, pericardial fixation, and plombage, have been used.

化脓性心包炎。注意黄*色的分泌液淤积在已被切开的心包腔内下部。This is a purulent pericarditis. Note the yellowish exudate that has pooled in the lower pericardial sac seen been opened here.

通过3D模型制作一个牛心包SPAC做为替代材料,行主动脉瓣膜修复术,并将其植入硅树脂主动脉根部。A bovine pericardial SPAC aortic valve prosthesis was constructed using a 3D-mold and was implanted in the silicone aortic root.

目的心包积液的诊断和治疗是一个临床难题,成功的心包穿刺术是心包积液诊治的技术关键。Diagnosis and treatment of pericardial effusion are difficult in clinical practice. Pericardiocentesis is a important technique.

乳糜性心包积液严重者可发生慢性心包填塞,诊断依赖穿刺积液的定性诊断和淋巴显像的定位诊断。Conclusion Diagnosis is depended on qualitative determination of the pericardial effusion and level diagnosis by radionuclide lymphography.