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我们必须将此制度永久保持。We must perpetuate the system.

一定要令正法常住于世。We must perpetuate the Proper Dharma.

我们让我们永远是朋友这个神话永存。We perpetuate the myth that we're all in it together.

而一旦抵制这种状态,你会深陷其间难以自拔。When you resist the state you’re in, you perpetuate it.

而刻在我们心灵深处的您的名字,将真正永存!But engraves in our heart's core your name, will perpetuate truly!

是的,商品价格在上涨,但是让大规模失业永久化是毫无道理的。Yes, commodity prices are up — but that’s no reason to perpetuate mass unemployment.

那些持续性诉诸校园暴力的人常常是那些过去被嘲弄的人。Those who perpetuate school violence are often students who were ridiculed in the past.

此外,也不知道多久跑一次马拉松能让人开始或养成终身性的运动习惯。And it's unknown how often such runs initiate or perpetuate a lifetime of steady exercise.

在渴望不朽的欲望中,他们展示了自己对世界的热爱。And in their desire to perpetuate existence, they demonstrated their passion for the world.

“并非我们一成不变,而是模式本身使其永久存在”罗伯特.韦奈尔如是写到。"We are not stuff that abides, but patterns that perpetuate themselves," wrote Norbert Wiener.

问题在于,这种对人权的压迫却受到妇女们的簇拥,并助它代代相传。The challenge is that this is a form of oppression that women themselves embrace and perpetuate.

没有这一点,它只会合法化和永久化美——以方针。Without this, it would only legitimise and perpetuate the American-Israeli negotiations formula.

我对她暴食的念叨,会使她感觉更糟,并且使这个问题更加持久化。By harassing her about her eating, I just make her feel worse, and that can perpetuate the problem.

这正是阿因卓帕布的写照,他的声音将在未来的时间中永存不朽。That certainly applies to Aindra prabhu, whose sound vibrations would perpetuate for all time to come.

向光着脚,骨瘦如柴的孩子施舍是不可以的,因为要招来无休无止的乞讨。We are forbidden from giving money to these shoeless, skinny children, as this will perpetuate begging.

这一根本原因在于社会态度、规范和行为以及使其长期存在的政策。The root causes reside in social attitudes, norms, and behaviours and the policies that perpetuate them.

也许有时,我们的任务会是为一片荒地修起围墙,为一条河架桥,或养育后代让年轻的群体延续下去。At times, the task may be to fence a wilderness, to bridge a river, or rear sons to perpetuate a young colony.

如果你直到要减肥时才开始锻炼或者买衣服,你将自食恶果。If you put off starting an exercise program or buying clothes until you lose weight, you will perpetuate the rut.

最主要维护这种瘫痪状态的社会建制似乎就是有神论的宗教和金融货币体系。The most dominant institutions which perpetuate this paralysis seem to be Theistic Religion and The Monetary System.

政府通过传统的繁琐选举程序永续执政的计划可能会继续实行。The government's plan to perpetuate itself in office, via the traditional electoral rigmarole, is likely to go ahead.